Guys/Boys — Blog — CookieCrazie


Take A Hike Decorated Cookie Collection

We’ve been in the middle of the Covid-19 “stay at home” restrictions as I created these cookies. Can you tell that I had my mind on OUTSIDE as we were directed to stay inside? :)

In celebration of nature and enjoying fresh air and God’s creations….. I present this “Take A Hike” cookie collection. It helped me to cope with the cabin fever I’ve been feeling these last several weeks.



God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Gen 1:31
The heavens declare the glory of God;  the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2


Finn's Birthday Fleet Decorated Cookie Collection

It’s hard to believe…..but my first grandchild is turning two years old! Wow. When you think time flies by……you realize that you’ve underestimated it in a big way. I’ve also heard that time moves faster the older you get. Oh boy….

Finnegan Asher was born two years ago in November 2016. He was 6 weeks premature and in the NICU for 9 days. But he was strong and healthy….and came home to outgrow any time he might have been “behind”.

Now he is an active curious boy…..that doesn’t leave anything unturned. haha He is busy busy busy…..and so fun to watch.

Finn’s favorite thing right now is CARS! He loves them…..all kinds….actually anything with wheels. So it seemed perfect to get out this set of cutters and wheels to make a bunch of his favorites.

Happy Birthday Finnegan! 🎉 Grammy loves you so much. ❤️

His favorite……Lightening ‘Queen :)

Emmy (my granddaughter) got in on the car cookies too.

Finn was kind enough to allow Emmy to try out his Lightening McQueen slippers. :)

Awww…..I love these two so much. ❤️


Army Aviation Graduation Decorated Cookie Collection

My son, Keith, just accomplished a huge goal of his. After finishing college and becoming an army officer, he wanted to become a helicopter pilot. He had to endure many obstacles, but he finally got into the training in March of 2017 and graduated in July 2018!

To say that we're proud of him would be a MAJOR understatement. He has worked super hard and opened up a whole new season of life. 

Photo Aug 02, 10 52 52 AM.jpg

And what's an Army mom to do......but decorate him some very personalized cookies. :)

We love you so much and are THRILLED about your achievements.


Happy Fathers Day, DAD!

Hey's time to celebrate YOU!

Here's some Fathers Day cookies with a vintage feel. They are filled with all the love that can be poured into cookies to honor those who we call DAD. ❤️

[Hover over photos for links to YouTube tutorial videos & cutter info]

Bowtie Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE       Bowtie cutter found HERE

Hat Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Mustache Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE     Mustache Cookie Cutter set found HERE

Glasses Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE


I ❤️ DAD Mug Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

DAD Trio Blocks Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE     Trio block cookie cutter found HERE

This car is my personal favorite of the whole set. Boy was it fun to decorate! 


Finn's Lumberjack First Birthday Decorated Cookie Collection

It's hard to believe, but my first grandchild has turned one year old already! He was born November 2016 and suddenly one year rapidly went past us, and he turned ONE! Wow.

My Finn (Finnegan Asher) is all boy. And he's super precious. (Spoken by a new grammy....) He was born premature (34 weeks) at 4.1 lbs and things were a bit scary on his birthday. My daughter was in critical condition and they had to deliver Finn in an emergency. But praise God, he has grown and developed well this last year and is all over the place now. You'd never know by looking at him that he was so small when he was born.

I've enjoyed decorating cookies for many many years now......but nothing tops making cookies for my grandbabies. What a joy it is to dive in there and create memorable cookies for their very special days. I count it such a privilege for the opportunity.

Happy Birthday Finn! 🎉🎂🎈  We love you so much. ❤️

[I made lots of YouTube videos of most of the individual cookies presented in this collection. So be sure to click on the links down below to view the videos.]

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