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Take A Hike Decorated Cookie Collection

We’ve been in the middle of the Covid-19 “stay at home” restrictions as I created these cookies. Can you tell that I had my mind on OUTSIDE as we were directed to stay inside? :)

In celebration of nature and enjoying fresh air and God’s creations….. I present this “Take A Hike” cookie collection. It helped me to cope with the cabin fever I’ve been feeling these last several weeks.



God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Gen 1:31
The heavens declare the glory of God;  the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2


Be Still Fall Decorated Cookie Collection

The changes of seasons is so inspiring. As I prepared ideas for autumn/fall cookies, this Bible verse came to mind.

Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

It seemed appropriate to center an entire cookie set around this truth.

God certainly has a way of showing Himself and His attributes through His creation. May we all take some time to be still and know……



Woodsy Valentine Decorated Cookie Collection

A little different take on Valentines Day.

It gets more and more challenging to think of new ways to decorate heart cookies. :) This woodsy set falls in the UNIQUE category for my many Valentines cookies. hee hee

This is another holiday that I LOVE decorating cookies for. So you’ll be seeing more Valentines cookies……I’ll probably do a traditional style along with attempts at some unique designs.
Stay tuned…



Tree Trunk Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

For whatever reason, I always think of tree trunks and tree bark when I envision a rustic fall setting. Thankfully they are fairly easy to emulate on cookies using texture mats.

Here is where you'll find the tree trunk cutter offered by Ecrandal that I used for these cookies.

There are two varieties of tree trunk bark:

Outline and flood the entire cookie with brown glaze.
(see video above to view the details of this tutorial)

Allow the glaze to dry for approximately 4 hours.

Using a bark texture mat, mold the partially dried glaze by pressing firmly on the mat that is laying face down over the glaze.


Cover the entire cookie shape in dry grey dust.
(see video above to view the details of this tutorial)

Paint over the gray base layer with Americolor Bright White gel.

Use a scribe, boo boo stick, or any other small instrument to carve out random dips, holes, lines, and texture all over the tree trunk.

Brush the carved out areas with dry black dust.

And there you have it......two varieties of tree trunk bark.
Simple and authentic.

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