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Take A Hike Decorated Cookie Collection

We’ve been in the middle of the Covid-19 “stay at home” restrictions as I created these cookies. Can you tell that I had my mind on OUTSIDE as we were directed to stay inside? :)

In celebration of nature and enjoying fresh air and God’s creations….. I present this “Take A Hike” cookie collection. It helped me to cope with the cabin fever I’ve been feeling these last several weeks.



God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Gen 1:31
The heavens declare the glory of God;  the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2


Army Aviation Graduation Decorated Cookie Collection

My son, Keith, just accomplished a huge goal of his. After finishing college and becoming an army officer, he wanted to become a helicopter pilot. He had to endure many obstacles, but he finally got into the training in March of 2017 and graduated in July 2018!

To say that we're proud of him would be a MAJOR understatement. He has worked super hard and opened up a whole new season of life. 

Photo Aug 02, 10 52 52 AM.jpg

And what's an Army mom to do......but decorate him some very personalized cookies. :)

We love you so much and are THRILLED about your achievements.


Shirt & Tie Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Shirt & Tie Cookies work well for a variety of special occasions. A friend asked for this theme to celebrate a milestone in her son's life.

Several shapes can be used for this cookie. I used coat shaped cutter for the full long sleeved version (not able to link the cutter here). You could also use a plain rectangle cookie.

My favorite shape was achieved by cutting the bow loops off of SugarBelle's gift cutter using the curved edger also found in the ShapeShifters set. (see photo below)

Since the dress shirt is white, the easiest way to decorate these cookies is all in white glaze.....adding all the details including the tie in layers (with dry time in between).
(see video for details)


Once the glaze has dried overnight, use food color markers to color the ties.

Fairly simple.....and definitely fun. :)


Pirate Baby Decorated Cookie Collection

My first grandbaby's baby shower took on a pirate theme, so I had the pleasure of decorating lots of fun cookies to celebrate the soon arrival of our little man.

Grandson's daddy has loved pirates since he was a boy, so it seemed fitting for them to do the baby's bedroom in pirate everything.

Thankfully, I did not have to buy any special cutters for this set of cookies. I love it when that happens!

Baby boy.....we can't wait for your arrival. Arrrrrrrggg! 


Pirate Ship Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Oh the pirates...... my first grandbaby has a baby room decorated in a pirate theme.
So naturally the baby shower was also themed in pirates.

Every pirate must have a ship to sail, right?

A chubby oval shape works perfectly for this pirate ship.

Using a tiny round cutter (or other circle template) and a black marker, make the portholes on the lower half of the cookie.
I used a 1/2" circle cutter to outline the circles using Sugarbelle's template markers, and then I filled them in with an Americolor black marker.

Outline & flood the bottom 2/3 of cookie with brown glaze (be sure to outline the portholes too).
(see photo below)

Add a brown mast from the center of the ship to the top of the cookie.
Allow it to dry for 1-2 hours.
Then add the large white sail and the smaller black sail. (see photo below)

If desired, add red stitch lines around the white sail, blue scallops on the bottom of the ship to represent waves, and paint a skull-crossbones on the black sail with Americolor white gel.

Ahoy matey...... you're ready to sail. :)

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