Occupation — Blog — CookieCrazie


Radiation Oncology Thank You Decorated Cookie Collection

On the last day of my radiation treatments for bone metastasis, I shared these cookies with my radiation oncology team. Those two weeks of treatments had some rough moments……but thankfully I had my mind busy with making these personalized cookies.

I hope they know how much I appreciate them.


Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. I Thessalonians 1:2

Love My Dentist Decorated Cookie Collection

Every time I go to the dentist, my dental hygienist and I talk about my cookie decorating escapades. And many times in the past couple of years, I've promised her that I would make cookies for the dentist and entire staff to enjoy. I'm FINALLY getting around to fulfilling that promise.

You should have seen the looks on all of their faces when I brought in the box with these cookies. Everyone was smiling.....exactly my goal. :)

Go ahead.......it's time to smile now. :)


Tooth Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Every time I go to the dentist, my dental hygienist and I talk about my cookie decorating escapades. And many times in the past couple of years, I've promised her that I would make cookies for the dentist and entire staff to enjoy. I'm FINALLY getting around to fulfilling that promise. 

Tooth cookies were the obvious choice as the focal point to the collection. But believe it or not, after looking through all my cookie cutters (and trust me, I have TONS!), I did not own a tooth cookie cutter! I came to the conclusion that a tall heart cutter and a small oval cutter could make my dental cookie dreams come true. :)

Here is the long heart and the small oval cutters I used for these tooth cookies.

Outline and flood the top tier of the each tooth cookie with white glaze.
Allow it to dry for about 30 minutes and then outline and flood the rest of the cookie, overlapping the first layer to create the tooth crown at the top. (see photo below)

Allow the cookies to dry overnight.

Combine super pearl dust with vodka (or a clear extract, ex. almond) and paint it over the entire tooth surface.

Pearly whites are ready for "dental care". :)


Pirate Baby Decorated Cookie Collection

My first grandbaby's baby shower took on a pirate theme, so I had the pleasure of decorating lots of fun cookies to celebrate the soon arrival of our little man.

Grandson's daddy has loved pirates since he was a boy, so it seemed fitting for them to do the baby's bedroom in pirate everything.

Thankfully, I did not have to buy any special cutters for this set of cookies. I love it when that happens!

Baby boy.....we can't wait for your arrival. Arrrrrrrggg! 


Pirate Ship Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Oh the pirates...... my first grandbaby has a baby room decorated in a pirate theme.
So naturally the baby shower was also themed in pirates.

Every pirate must have a ship to sail, right?

A chubby oval shape works perfectly for this pirate ship.

Using a tiny round cutter (or other circle template) and a black marker, make the portholes on the lower half of the cookie.
I used a 1/2" circle cutter to outline the circles using Sugarbelle's template markers, and then I filled them in with an Americolor black marker.

Outline & flood the bottom 2/3 of cookie with brown glaze (be sure to outline the portholes too).
(see photo below)

Add a brown mast from the center of the ship to the top of the cookie.
Allow it to dry for 1-2 hours.
Then add the large white sail and the smaller black sail. (see photo below)

If desired, add red stitch lines around the white sail, blue scallops on the bottom of the ship to represent waves, and paint a skull-crossbones on the black sail with Americolor white gel.

Ahoy matey...... you're ready to sail. :)

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