quilt block cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

quilt block cookies

Country Valentines Decorated Cookie Collection

How many ways are there to show love on a cookie? Apparently, there is an endless number. :)

Different shapes, textures, and colors……just throwing out a few more options to add to the list.

Love is all you need! 💜


Hidden Card Trick Quilt Block Cookies

Loving quilts and patterns so much, it makes sense that I'd be very attracted to a cute cutter set that Ginny of Creative Cookier came up with to make a cute quilt block pattern with cookies.

This particular quilt pattern is named the Hidden Card Trick.
Don't you love how it has hidden heart shapes within the pattern?

I've created a few sets from this particular cookie cutter set and I love each one!

Ginny still hasn't posted this set on her site, 
but maybe if you go and send her a message asking her to do just that......
she will see the demand for these cutters. :)

Quilt Cookies
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