Autumn Leaf Cookie Quilt (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Autumn Leaf Cookie Quilt (Tutorial)

I'm excited to share a new CookieCrazie custom cutter that combines my love for autumn and quilts.

This new autumn leaf cutter allows you to create a tessellation pattern.

tessellate  -- v.  [tes-uh-leyt]

1. to form of small squares or blocks, as floors or pavements; 
form or arrange in a checkered or mosaic pattern.

As you cut out each leaf, place them on the cookie sheet interlocked together and bake them.

When removing them from the oven, carefully separate each with a small knife while they are warm.

Baking them all together will ensure that they fit together just like a puzzle.

Decorate each one unique......or form a pattern as you choose.

Here's a couple of time lapsed videos of individual leaf cookies being decorated:

Here's a fun video showing the "building of the quilt". :)

Autumn 2015 Cookie Collection
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