cupcake cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

cupcake cookies

Emmy's Flower-y 1st Birthday Cookie Collection

Emmy (my second grandchild and first granddaughter) had her first birthday recently. It was a small gathering of family to celebrate, but we celebrated her in a BIG way. She's a precious sweet doll who manages to make everyone smile.

Her mom wanted a pink flower theme to celebrate her birthday. I pulled out all the stops to make the cookies as flower-y and pink as possible. 💗

I had some new tools to try out in the process, so they were fully incorporated into the design.

Both of my grandchildren haven't had refined sugar yet, so for Emmy's birthday, I modified my sugar cookie recipe and made it gluten and sugar free. The cookies turned out great!

Sadly, I attempted to make a "glaze" that was sugar free......but since sugar is the predominate ingredient (powdered sugar and corn syrup), the substitutes were no match at all. I was hugely disappointed. I ended up decorating the cookies with regular sugary glaze and left some of the cookies plain for the grandbabies. In the end, it worked. 

I'm still on a quest to find a way to decorate cookies without the sugar. I'll let you know if I ever conquer that one. 🙃

Happy Birthday my sweet Emmy Lou Who. I love you so much!!!


Flower Birthday Cupcake Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Flower Birthday Cupcake Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Happy Birthday Gift Tag Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Happy Birthday Gift Tag Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Pedestal Birthday Cake with Flowers Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Pedestal Birthday Cake with Flowers Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Birthday Bunting Flag Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Birthday Bunting Flag Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Birthday Banner for Emmaline Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Birthday Banner for Emmaline Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Floral Birthday Bunting YouTube video HERE

Floral Birthday Bunting YouTube video HERE


Cupcake Wrapper Cookies (Tutorial)

For some reason, I LOVE to make cupcake cookies.

It's kind of silly when you think about it.

Why don't I just make cupcakes?!

Nope. I can't do it. It MUST be cookies.....all the time. haha

Alas....when I find an awesome cupcake cookie cutter, I have to share it with you!

I have

my own custom cupcake cutter

that I love.....


this particular cutter


That's a Nice Cookie Cutter

displays an extra corner between

the top and holder that makes it look like a cute cupcake wrapper. :)

So I researched cupcake wrapper designs.....and made a few of my own creations.

Once you've decorated the wrappers, you can pipe some slightly thinned

edible clay

to add the iconic cupcake swirls on top.

Personalizing Birthday Cookies = Eclectic Assortment (Part 1)

Continuing on the birthday theme.....
I did an 18th birthday collection a couple of weeks ago. 
It's always fun to do a personalized set.....
but it also means that you come up with 
a fairly eclectic assortment of cookies. :)

Here's part of the collection for Morgan's 18th birthday....

Morgan's favorite color is you'll see a lot of that color :)

For a tutorial on making cupcakes like these, go HERE.

There's more!
I'll share the rest of the collection in a coming post. :)

Birthday Cupcake Cookies.....Let's Celebrate!!

I wish I could have made a few hundred....
dare I even say....a few thousand of these cupcake cookies to share with all of you.

Since it is virtual cyberspace anyway......
you may now all reach within your screen and take a cookie and enjoy it together.
Ready, Set, Go! heehee

These are the cupcakes I made for my daughter's 25th birthday last month.
She loves cupcakes.
She loves chocolate.
She loves blue.
'Nuf said. :)

Brace yourselves.
CookieCrazie Birthday Give-Away announcement!

Cupcakes for The Cupcake Kids Fundraiser

What a blessing. I was asked to donate some cookies to a fundraiser our children's ministry at church did a few weeks ago. They were joining a national effort called "The Cupcake Kids" to raise money for Sixty Feet......a mission effort to help the desperate children of Uganda.

The kids got together the night before and made tons of cupcakes (with lots of sprinkles!) and then sold them the next day in a fundraising effort.

I had the privilege of making cookies for them to sell. And what should I make for a cupcake event?????.....................CUPCAKES! lol

Our kids raised over $200......and had a blast in the process. It looks the national total was over $42,000!!!! Go kids. :)
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