CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 6, 2016 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 6, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

This week was a bit of a downer.....various reasons.
Sometimes it all catches up with you, even when you try to lay aside the negative.

But after a bit a regrouping, I'm ready to go again.
I have to keep my focus where it belongs and not get overwhelmed by the circumstances.
(Sometimes those little buggers can REALLY get to you!)

I finished summer cookies this last weekend and now I'm taking a break this weekend.
Not only is it Mothers Day and our family is gathering together for my husband's 60th birthday.....
but because I need to start focusing on the Ukraine trip (August) and the Bible study I'll be teaching.
There's so much to plan and think about....and I've been laying it aside for a few months now.
Time to get crackin'. :)

To all the moms out there...I hope your weekend is blessed as you reflect on
what an awesome job we've been privileged to carry out.
There's no greater honor (and nothing quite as challenging!) as being a mom.

Now that my kids are grown, I can see the fruit of my labors.
There's still some days when I question everything I ever did with my kids.....
but mostly, I'm so thankful for the privilege of pouring into their lives.
Hang in there.....those of you still in the trenches.
The best is yet to come!


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

Cherry Pie would definitely hit the spot right now....

Happy Sunday!

Oh the places you'll go.....

I hope your Monday has a 🍒 on top....

Oh honey.....

Which way should we go?

Prom ? from last year.....

Life is a bowl full of cherries.....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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