mothers day cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

mothers day cookies

Flowers for MOM Decorated Cookie Collection

I know, I again. 
But I'm a mom.....and I LOVE flowers. So it makes sense to emphasize them for Mothers Day. :)

It's the season for planting all the pretty flowers in the landscaping and hanging pots of them on the porch and even grabbing a bunch of them at the store to take to your beloved.

To all the moms......I hope your day is bright and cheery with all the love and appreciate throw your way on this special day. 

And thank you God for our precious mothers and for motherhood in general. What a blessing you have given us! ❤️


Basket of Spring Flowers Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

With this awesome basketweave mold, it's fairly easy to make basket cookies just in time to "fill" them with spring flowers.

Place the mold face down over sugar cookie dough.
Using a rolling pin over the top of the mold, impress the dough with basketweave.
Take the cutter of your choice (I chose a tall rectangle) to cut out the cookie.
Feel free to leave the top portion of the cookie smooth for adding flowers. (see photo below)
Bake and cool the cookies as normal.

Cut out flowers using mini cookie cutters. I like to make the dough fairly thin so the flowers are not too overpowering on top of the basket cookie. Decorate these beauties as desired.

Brush chestnut dust over the basketweave portion of the molded cookies.

Add a greenery background on top of the basket by outlining and flooding it with green glaze.

Adhere the flowers on top of the basket with more green glaze. Add additional flowers and vines as desired.


Cupcake Pedestal Decorated Cookies

Cupcakes need their own pedestal to reign upon, don't ya think?

It's fairly easy to whip up one via cookies.....that even has a 3-D effect.

Start with a cake pedestal cookie and some thin mini cupcake cookies.
(I apologize for not finding a link to the mini cupcake cutter used here.
I searched high and low and could not find this set anywhere.)

Outline, flood and decorate the pedestal as desired.

Outline, flood and decorate the mini cupcakes as desired.

After all the cookies have dried overnight, stage the cupcakes on the platter.
I arranged the smaller mini cupcakes behind the larger mini cupcakes.

There you have it.
Cupcakes lifted high on their own pedestal. :)

2016 Mothers Day Decorated Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 6, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

This week was a bit of a downer.....various reasons.
Sometimes it all catches up with you, even when you try to lay aside the negative.

But after a bit a regrouping, I'm ready to go again.
I have to keep my focus where it belongs and not get overwhelmed by the circumstances.
(Sometimes those little buggers can REALLY get to you!)

I finished summer cookies this last weekend and now I'm taking a break this weekend.
Not only is it Mothers Day and our family is gathering together for my husband's 60th birthday.....
but because I need to start focusing on the Ukraine trip (August) and the Bible study I'll be teaching.
There's so much to plan and think about....and I've been laying it aside for a few months now.
Time to get crackin'. :)

To all the moms out there...I hope your weekend is blessed as you reflect on
what an awesome job we've been privileged to carry out.
There's no greater honor (and nothing quite as challenging!) as being a mom.

Now that my kids are grown, I can see the fruit of my labors.
There's still some days when I question everything I ever did with my kids.....
but mostly, I'm so thankful for the privilege of pouring into their lives.
Hang in there.....those of you still in the trenches.
The best is yet to come!


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

Cherry Pie would definitely hit the spot right now....

Happy Sunday!

Oh the places you'll go.....

I hope your Monday has a 🍒 on top....

Oh honey.....

Which way should we go?

Prom ? from last year.....

Life is a bowl full of cherries.....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Tea Time for Mom Decorated Cookie Collection

It's Tea Time for Mom.
What better way to celebrate her day than to gift her with beautiful cookies for tea.

Check out this cute set of tea cutters that That's A Nice Cookie made for this collection.

To all the Moms out there.....
remember that even though it seems the energy you expend for your children goes unnoticed,
it really will reap benefits that you never thought possible.
And eventually your children will rise up and realize how awesome you really are!

Her children arise and call her blessed.
Proverbs 31:28





2016 Mothers Day Decorated Cookie Collection
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