tea time cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

tea time cookies

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, June 10, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Back to cookies and lovin' it.
This last weekend I did a whole ice cream cone set....this weekend I'm doing two different sets.
I've got to build up my repertoire for August and beyond. ;)

Ukraine trip prepping is going well.
We should ship out all our supplies soon.
I'm gathering lots of cookies supplies for all the ladies that decorate cookies there. :)
We've had several cookie decorating classes over the years and several of them
have joined the "cookie community" as a result.

We're doing a block party tomorrow on our church grounds and
the temps are supposed to be in the upper 90s.
Oh boy!
Our choir is singing several numbers, so I think we'll be dripping wet by the time we're done.
But it will be so fun to share with our community.


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

Yes, please. :)


Happy Sunday!

Happy Tuesday!

Remembering how fun this soda POP set was to decorate last year for Fathers Day....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

More Time for Tea Decorated Cookie Sets

I couldn't resist making a few more sets of tea cookies.

Wanting each set to be distinct, I chose bold colors and patterns for the red, black, and yellow set.....
and more muted and softer patterns and colors for the mint and peach set.

For the entire cutter collection, check out the CookieCrazie page on That's a Nice Cookie Cutter.

Cupcake Pedestal Decorated Cookies

Cupcakes need their own pedestal to reign upon, don't ya think?

It's fairly easy to whip up one via cookies.....that even has a 3-D effect.

Start with a cake pedestal cookie and some thin mini cupcake cookies.
(I apologize for not finding a link to the mini cupcake cutter used here.
I searched high and low and could not find this set anywhere.)

Outline, flood and decorate the pedestal as desired.

Outline, flood and decorate the mini cupcakes as desired.

After all the cookies have dried overnight, stage the cupcakes on the platter.
I arranged the smaller mini cupcakes behind the larger mini cupcakes.

There you have it.
Cupcakes lifted high on their own pedestal. :)

2016 Mothers Day Decorated Cookie Collection

Tea Time for Mom Decorated Cookie Collection

It's Tea Time for Mom.
What better way to celebrate her day than to gift her with beautiful cookies for tea.

Check out this cute set of tea cutters that That's A Nice Cookie made for this collection.

To all the Moms out there.....
remember that even though it seems the energy you expend for your children goes unnoticed,
it really will reap benefits that you never thought possible.
And eventually your children will rise up and realize how awesome you really are!

Her children arise and call her blessed.
Proverbs 31:28





2016 Mothers Day Decorated Cookie Collection

Doily, Napkin, and Sugar Cube Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

In case you can't tell.....we're planning a tea party....... for Mom. :)

So we're going to need some doilies, napkins and sugar cubes.......cookies that is!

Here's the sugar cube cutter.
(There's several more cutters from the Time for Tea set on That's a Nice Cookie Cutter.)

For doilies, use a large flower shape with plenty of petals (like these).
Before baking the cookies, use a circle cutter to partially cut a circle in the middle.
(Don't press too hard or you'll have a donut shape. ;))

Outline and flood the center of the doily with white glaze.
(Ignore the fact that I outlined the outer part and filled it with translucent glaze.
It didn't work as well as I thought it would....and thus is unnecessary.)

Next, outline the outer portion, plus outline small circles in each of the "petals".
Flood all of the outer portion except for the insides of the small circles.
(see photo below)

Allow the glaze to dry for about 2 hours.
Using a cake tester, poke lots of holes all around the edges to make it look like lace.

For the napkins, cut square cookies and then cut them diagonally to have two triangles.
Bake and cool as usual.
Outline and flood them in your choice of colors.

Allow them to dry for 4-5 hours (depending upon how big they are),
and then press silicone texture mats into the partially dried glaze.
For the napkins pictured here, I used this mat and this mat.

For the sugar cubes, use this cutter.

Outline and flood the three portions of the cube in white glaze as shown below
(keeping each portion from touching).

Cover the wet glaze with white sanding sugar and shake off the excess.
(I love using a tray like this to make the job much neater.)

I can smell the tea brewing already...... :)

2016 Mothers Day Decorated Cookie Collection
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