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Summer Beach Wave Cookie (Tutorial)

This cookie tutorial was filed away back in January after these cookies
were made for the 2015 Cookie Cruise.

And now that it is's time to share it. :)

The design can be put on any shape.....but for traveling purposes,
I chose a basic rectangle cookie that would be less likely to break.

Outline and flood one end of the cookie with a light tan glaze,
 including a ripple effect for the water wave.

Outline and flood the other end of the cookie with blue glaze.

Allow the glaze to dry for about 4 hours before attempting to "write something in the sand".
You can use the letter press set (as I did on these cookies) or a scribe to carve out letters.

Press the letters into the tan glaze as shown below.

To make sure the white nonpareils stick only to the edge of the wave,
allow the cookies to dry overnight before adding the white outline on the edge of the wave.
Sprinkle white nonpareils over the wet white outline to catch a few for a "bubbly" look.

Paint Americolor Bright White gel over the edge of the waves to make them look foamy.

To give the sand some texture, make a mixture of light brown sugar, white & ivory gels,
and paint it over the surface of the dried tan glaze.

Finally, mix together some Sky Blue gel with Bright White gel
to add some dimension to the water on the cookie.

Summer Fun Cookie Collection

Summer Fun: Beach Shoreline Cookies (Tutorial)

You can add a beach shoreline to almost any shaped cookie.

Start off with making the "sandy" beach.
Outline and flood one side of the cookie with tan 10-Second Glaze.

In a bowl or tray with sides, cover the wet tan glaze with demerara cane sugar.
(I bought mine at Walmart for much cheaper than the link's price.)

 Gently shake off the excess and allow glaze to dry.

On that same day, make shell glaze-icing-transfers.
On parchment paper, pipe "shell-looking" white glaze shapes. 
Allow them to dry overnight.

 After the "sandy beach" has dried a few hours,
outline and flood the rest of the cookie with a light blue 10-Second Glaze.
Allow it to dry for about 1 hour.

Outline and flood a portion of the water a darker blue 10-Second Glaze.

Dry the cookies overnight.

On the following day, paint the shells with a mixture of sterling pearl dust and almond extract.
Allow them to dry for a few hours before adding a dab of white glaze to the back of them and
adhering them onto your "sandy beach".

Paint some lighter blue wave lines onto the water.
(I mixed a dab of Americolor royal blue gel with a dab of bright white.)

If desired, pipe some dots of white glaze on to the sand touching the water to form a "foam" edge.

Summer is HERE...... in Cookies :)

 This holiday weekend has always signaled the beginning of.......

So I decided to pull together a whole series of cookies to celebrate. :)

Expect to see a blog post on each design featured in S-U-M-M-E-R.'s going to be a FABULOUS summer. :)

Sand 'N Surf: Cookie Sandcastle (Tutorial)

To make a cookie sandcastle you will need:

 The cookie shapes and sizes are completely up to you.
I "googled" sandcastles and decided on a two tower castle
with a large rectangle base and then squares, circles, and triangles stacked on top. 
(Note, I put holes in all the smaller cookies thinking I would put my toothpick flags into the holes, 
but in the end,  I didn't use the they are not necessary.)

I like to line up the cookies in the order I am going to stack them together.

Use Sand-Colored 10-Second Glaze to glue the pieces together.

Allow the cookie sandcastle to dry for an hour or two before
covering the entire castle in Sand-Colored 10-Second Glaze.

Place the still-wet castle (parchment paper and all) into a deep
container that will contain all the Demerara Sugar you will pour over it.

I made some tiny flags with toothpicks, colored paper, and 
scrap booking double-sided glue tabs.

 I attached to the back of the towers and used 
extra glaze to glue them securely.

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