letter cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

letter cookies

Favorite Font Cookie Cutters

I have a confession to make.

I dislike writing on cookies very much!

I always feel like my handwriting looks juvenile and ugly.

One of my solutions is to communicate words via alphabet cookies.

And I have a very favorite alphabet cutter set to share with you....

Cakes N' Supplies by Ximena

offers several really cute alphabet sets.

And my favorite is this

Alphabet Block XL set !


Click on the photos below to open the blog posts written on the corresponding cookie collection.


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, November 15, 2013

CookieCrazie will be at Cookie'sCool in Genoa, Italy May 1-3, 2014!!!


To check out the information:
Cookie'sCool Website
Cookie'sCool Facebook page


It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

More Christmas around here.
The two cookie sets I made this week are some of my favorite cookies ever.
I'm super super excited to show them here on the blog. :)

Lots of things going on......
The biggest news......my daughter, Allison, is getting married.
I'm happy for her.....but hesitant.
They are young.....minimal jobs.....no plans to further their skills.
But at the same time.....it's time for her to get on her own.
So I'm growing in to the "happy mother-of-the-bride" place.
The wedding is at the end of May. 
That should be interesting since I'm going to Italy at the beginning of May.

Thanksgiving......two weeks away. Oh my!
I'm excited. Most of my family will be here to celebrate.

Christmas decorations start going up around here next week.
Now that I've got the bulk of my Christmas cookies made for the blog......
I can plunge into decorating the house.
Christmas music will be blaring.....and this house is going to be glowing soon. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

A small peak at one of my Christmas projects I just finished up this week. :)

THIS is creating a heavenly gingerbread smell in my kitchen right now.

Last week I strung cookie lights for the "tree"
....next week I'll string lights for the real trees around the house. :)

Decorating the Christmas Tree..... ;)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Spelling the Autumn Season in Cookies (Tutorial)

Even after several years of cookie decorating......
I still don't like how my handwriting looks on a cookie.

And yet.....I love conveying messages in my cookie collections.

Enter these cute little letter cutters from Hobby Lobby.... :)

They are a little tricky to get the sugar cookie dough to release from the cutter.
But if you gently coax them out with the end of a paintbrush (or something similar)
you can get them out minus too much damage.

When you bake them up, include a bunch of shapes that you can put behind them.

In this set.....I used regular sugar cookie dough for the letters and
chocolate cut-out dough for the background cookies.
This allowed for very little decorating.....but still quite a bit of "pop" in the final appearance.

I "glued" the letters to the background cookies with glaze.....
and then outlined the letter and the background shape.
Easy peasy.....

In the next set, I outlined and flooded the letters in white.

On fluted squares......I decorated lots of different "fallish" patterns.

Adding the white letters on top worked out well.

And finally.....to get even more fancy with letters,
pick a theme and make a different background shape for each letter.
Make sure you pick sizes that will work well together.
You can decorate as detailed or as plain as you'd like with the various shapes.

I am grateful and thankful that God allows me to do something I love......

and I'm grateful and thankful for YOU following my blog and encouraging my efforts!

Summer is HERE...... in Cookies :)

 This holiday weekend has always signaled the beginning of.......

So I decided to pull together a whole series of cookies to celebrate. :)

Expect to see a blog post on each design featured in S-U-M-M-E-R.

Oh.....it's going to be a FABULOUS summer. :)

CookieCrazie......in COOKIES!

I had an idea to spell out
"Happy Birthday CookieCrazie"
in cookies for the event.

Ha ha.....that is 25 cookies!
I quickly rethought that idea.....
and decided I'd spell out "CookieCrazie". :)

Well, I didn't get around to it that week.....
too many other birthday cookies to do.
So instead, I did it last week.

Rather than CookieCrazie in lights......
it's CookieCrazie in COOKIES!

Fun, fun, fun!
And I love these colors together.
Good news.....you'll be seeing lots more of these colors. =)

This week I've been .working on a mega project.
I'm exhausted.....but a happy exhausted.
Someone challenged me to do some cookies
that I'm proud of.....
but I've agonized over them.
It's probably not good....
when you're super tense while your decorating....
and you hold your breath a lot. lol

You'll see my challenging project soon.
Today is the photo session. :)
Happy weekend.
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