CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, November 8, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, November 8, 2013

CookieCrazie will be at Cookie'sCool in Genoa, Italy May 1-3, 2014!!!

To check out the information:
Cookie'sCool Website
Cookie'sCool Facebook page


It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...... least the spread of cookies I did this week do. :)

I'm super excited about so many things going on.....

I love the holiday the thought of Christmas is exciting.
I start decorating in a couple of weeks......YEAH!

I just found out a few weeks ago that I'm going to Italy in May 2014 to teach cookie decorating.
I still keep wondering if it is just a dream.....and not real.

It looks like there is going to be another wedding around here.....oh my!

And on and on it goes.......

Never a dull moment.
I was having dull moments often (no complaints!) and now they don't exist anymore. haha

Next week.......more Christmas cookies.
I'm going to try a non-traditional color motif and see what happens. 

Instagram photos for this week:

After my epic "Indian corn failure" a few weeks ago,
I think I've found a fix. :)
Just in case....I did it five different ways to find the best way.
Stay tuned for a tutorial on all five versions. :)

SweetWorks is awesome!
I get the pleasure of using lots of their products on my cookies
and in my photo shoots.  Excited!! 

A whole lotta pumpkin cookies 'round here. :)

Indian Corn.....a multitude of versions to ensure I found one I liked. :)

It's that time of year.......pies!


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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