corn — Blog — CookieCrazie


Farmers Market Decorated Cookie Collection

Summer is filled with so many marvelous things. One of the best contributors is the locally fresh fruits and vegetables only found during the growing season.

It's funny......I planned on doing a farmers market themed cookie set and made a list of all the fruits and veggies I wanted to attempt. I misplaced the list and made a new one just before baking day came. I found the old list once the set was determined. I had at least 6 other produce items I had wanted to do but had forgotten about. There's SO MANY ideas for a farmers market. Thankfully I didn't attempt all of them at once! Maybe there's some left to try it again next summer. haha

Enjoy the abundance of color and yumminess this summer!


[Hover over each photo for a link to a YouTube tutorial video for the featured cookie]

Farmers Market Produce Stand Decorated Cookie YouTube video HERE

Orange Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Bushel Basket Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Carrot Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Bell Pepper Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube vide HERE

Blueberry Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Grapes Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video  HERE

Peas Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Corn Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Pear Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Green Onions Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Eggplant Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Berry Box Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Potato Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Farmers Market Bi-Fold Sign Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE


Indian Corn Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

For some reason, Indian corn cookies have been hard to emulate in the past.
Either they were way too detailed and time consuming, or
they didn't appear the way I wanted them to.
Now with fondant embossers, I found a design that I really like....
and it's not too time-consuming.


Believe it or not, I used a tall Easter egg cutter for this design.
But a longer oval will work just fine.

Outline and flood the entire shape in gold glaze.
Allow the icing to dry for at least 3 hours, and then use either one of these embossers to imprint "kernel" marks into the glaze.

There are other brick texture mats that also might work to make these impressions.

Using orange and brown glaze, outline and flood a few random kernel impressions
throughout the cookie.
(see photo below)

Dry overnight.

Dust dry chocolate luster dust over the kernels to give it a shaded and rustic look.


Harvest Corn Cookies (Tutorial)

I love Indian corn......and thus I have attempted to emulate it every autumn in cookie form.

This year, I had a bit of a disaster when I tried to make small kernel cookies
to place on top of a large "ear of corn" cookie. Ugh!

It bothered me for weeks that I had failed.
So I set out to make Indian corn in a variety of ways to compensate for my epic fail. ;)

Rather than use a specific cutter, 
try cutting a long rectangle and then trimming the top and bottom with a rounded edge.

A couple of the corn versions used texture on the cookie dough before baking.

A third version used small bits of dough shaped into kernels and
placed onto the ear of corn before it was baked.
(I come by the CRAZIE part of my cookie-ing naturally!)

For the final three simpler versions,
outline and flood the entire ear of corn with gold 10-second glaze.

Add small "kernel lines" in brown, orange, & tan glaze using the wet-on-wet technique.
This is by far the simplest version.

After the base has dried for at least 30 minutes, 
add kernels of gold glaze to give this simple version more dimension.

After drying overnight, 
brush on dry black and/or bronze pearl dust.

With the second ear of corn flooded with gold glaze,
wait about one hour for the glaze to crust.
Use a paper towel to gently press a pattern into the glaze.

See photo below of the next day's painting I did on the above cookie.

And for the final gold glazed cookie, 
allow it to crust for about 90 min - 2 hours.
Using a cake tester, gentle press in diagonal lines in both directions to form "kernels".

On the second day, it's time for painting!
For the four versions below,
begin with painting bronze pearl dust all over the ears to give them a natural look.

Then use various Americolor gels (chocolate brown, orange, egg yellow, ivory)
to paint on the kernels.

Forgive me for making such a CRAZIE tutorial.
I know it is a bit hard to follow with so many versions going on.
But hopefully it will give you some inspiration to try your own version of Indian corn cookies. :)

Harvest Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, November 8, 2013

CookieCrazie will be at Cookie'sCool in Genoa, Italy May 1-3, 2014!!!

To check out the information:
Cookie'sCool Website
Cookie'sCool Facebook page


It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...... least the spread of cookies I did this week do. :)

I'm super excited about so many things going on.....

I love the holiday the thought of Christmas is exciting.
I start decorating in a couple of weeks......YEAH!

I just found out a few weeks ago that I'm going to Italy in May 2014 to teach cookie decorating.
I still keep wondering if it is just a dream.....and not real.

It looks like there is going to be another wedding around here.....oh my!

And on and on it goes.......

Never a dull moment.
I was having dull moments often (no complaints!) and now they don't exist anymore. haha

Next week.......more Christmas cookies.
I'm going to try a non-traditional color motif and see what happens. 

Instagram photos for this week:

After my epic "Indian corn failure" a few weeks ago,
I think I've found a fix. :)
Just in case....I did it five different ways to find the best way.
Stay tuned for a tutorial on all five versions. :)

SweetWorks is awesome!
I get the pleasure of using lots of their products on my cookies
and in my photo shoots.  Excited!! 

A whole lotta pumpkin cookies 'round here. :)

Indian Corn.....a multitude of versions to ensure I found one I liked. :)

It's that time of year.......pies!


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Autumn in the Country Cookie Collection

I think this is my favorite set of autumn cookies so far this season.
There's something about the grouping and colors that just delights my heart.

I hope you are enjoying the season. :)

I love how this set turned out.....beyond my expectations. ♥
Wagon cookie (far left) done using SugarBelle's school bus cutter.
Fence cookie (far right) done using this plaque cutter from PlasticsinPrint.

Favorites for sure!
Both cookies done using SugarBelle's school bus cutter.

Autumn in The Country Cookie Collection
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