berry berry cookie collection — Blog — CookieCrazie

berry berry cookie collection

New BRP Basket Boxes!

Once again, I had the distinct privilege of working with BRP Box Shop
to create a special box for this most recent installment of CookieCon.

At the first CookieCon, we worked together to create the Lantern Favor Box.
I wrote about the limited edition holiday version HERE.
It was such a successful first attempt.....that we decided to try something new at CookieCon 2014.

I had suggested that a basket is a very versatile item for presenting cookies.
It seemed like it might be an impossible feat for a paper box product to work as a basket
to hold a bunch of cookies...........but those BRP people are AMAZING!
And not only did they create a perfect basket box, but they designed it in several colors.

AND.......their cake pop stand fits perfectly in the bottom of the basket.....
so if you want to put cookies on sticks, they can stand up in the basket. 

As you can imagine......I was over-the-moon when they sent me the boxes to "test".
I had such fun creating berries and flowers to put into their new box wonder.

And all the CookieCon 2014 participants had the privilege of receiving one at the event.

Thanks BRP Box Shop for listening to the cookie world and
allowing us to have AWESOME boxes to use to display our cookies.








Other Cookie Boxes offered by BRP Box Shop

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 18, 2014

Join CookieCrazie for......

Cookie'sCool November 14 - 16, 2014 in Genoa, Italy

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Another Fabulous week......
I'm grateful to do a job I absolutely LOVE!
Thank you, God, for that gift. :)

Mother's Day cookies are completed.
They turned out so fun.
I can't wait to share all of them to you.

Next week, I'm going to do one final run on the Edible Glaze Modeling Clay.
Hopefully, soon afterwards, I'll be ready to do a blog post on it. Yeah!

This weekend is the blessed holiday of Resurrection Day.
We'll celebrate at church......
but we'll wait until next weekend to celebrate with all my kids.
Two of them are being "shared" amongst two families.....
and rather than only have them for a few hours on Sunday.....
I chose to let them go to their guy's families this Sunday.
That way, they come to our house for the ENTIRE Sunday next week.
It's like celebrating the holiday twice as long.


Instagram photos for this week:

Tulips......another top favorite flower of mine. 

Airbrushing & Edible Modeling Clay......
First attempt....but I'm already lovin' it.

Pretty pastels from last week's experiments.
Happy Monday! 

Cookies.....the new donut!
Haha (Two of my favorite food groups in the pre-HealthyNewMe days  ;))

Woah! I got some new molds since my successful edible clay experiment last week.
This new set has me even more excited! 


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 4, 2014


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

It took me an entire week to "recover" from being gone at Cookie Con 2014.
I needed to catch up on sleep, family life, housework, blog work, etc etc.
I needed to write a full recap of the event.....which you will find here.
And then there were tons of little things that got neglected....and needed my attention.
But I finally achieved "getting caught up" this week.

Cookie Con was an amazing event
As I continue to see photos and memories from others......I just smile and smile.
It's one of those things that is kind-of-like a mountain top experience.

This week I had to dive back into cookie "work".
[It's really not to work to can something so fun be work?!]

I'm an instructor at CookiesCool in Genoa Italy come November.
(It was orginally supposed to be the first of May......but got postponed.)

The organizers have made a bunch of changes to the format......
and I needed to come up with two additional classes to teach at the event.
They asked for some Christmas-related guess what my themes have been this week?
Christmas quilting......and snowflakes. :)
{I'm a little hesitant to share the snowflakes for fear that people will revolt after our harsh winter!]

My daughter's bridal shower was Sunday. 
What a delightful time!
I'll do a full post on it soon.
The cookies were a hit......but best of all, my sweet girl LOVED them. :)

Wedding cookies coming up next month.....


Instagram photos for this week:

This is the time (probably past time) for those beautiful little crocus to pop up all over. :)
Love them! Happy Spring!

Happy Spring Saturday!

Fabulous day yesterday celebrating at my baby girl's bridal shower.
Cookies to match invitation.....made with lots of love.

I know.....I know.....Christmas in April is a little much.
But come November in Italy it will be awesome. 


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Blueberry Cookies (Tutorial)

My favorite of all.....blueberries!

I love how these cookies turned out.
These are my favorite of the collection.
I think they are probably the most realistic.

To make the domed berries, roll small balls of dough and then cut them in half to bake.

Once baked, dip them in dark blue thinned glaze. 
You get the dark blue by using Americolor Royal Blue and Super Black
[Be patient.....add a little black at time.  I'll eventually get the color you want.]

(Yes, it's messy to dip these. :))

After the berries have dried for an hour or so,
add a uneven circle/oval to one side of the berry with the dark blue glaze and a 1.5 PME tip.

After it has dried for about 15 min, add some random squiggles around the circle/oval.
(see photo below)

Dry overnight.
Paint the inside of the circle/oval with dry black elite color dust.
Paint the rest of the berry with dry ivory pearl dust.

Berry Berry Cookie Collection

Strawberry Cookies (Tutorial)

Ahhhhhh.....Strawberries......I LOVE them. :)

And they are such a pretty fruit.
They just have happiness written all over them.... ♥

To get the shape just right with a 3D touch,
cut a thick tear drop cookie and then press the edges of the dough
with your fingers to give it a domed look.

Once the cookies are baked, outline and flood the cookies with a "strawberry" red glaze.
(Use Americolor Super Red and a touch of Super Black.)
Be sure to leave room at the top of the cookie for a stem.

Allow the glaze to dry for about two hours (time may vary due to conditions)
and then using the rounded end of a fondant tool or paint brush, 
add tiny concave dents all over the strawberry.

Dry overnight.
Using a 1.5 PME tip and gold glaze, add a tiny dot inside each hole of the strawberry cookie.

Using a leaf green glaze, add the stem and leaves.

Mmmmm.....delicious strawberries. :)

Berry Berry Cookie Collection
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