gumball — Blog — CookieCrazie


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 23, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

With being out-of-town this week, I had a little break from cookies.
I've spent it visiting family and then getting ahead on photo editing and blog posts.Nice!

And the best part......I'm completely chomping at the bit to get back to cookies.
I guess it is a little "burn-out" prevention.
It works well. :)

The baby boy cookies were a big hit at my in-laws.
I think it helped that they were chocolate cookies. ;)

Next week......AUTUMN cookies comin' up.
Can't wait...

Instagram photos for this week:

More camping cookies..... Take a Hike (haha)

This was my favorite in the camping cookies set. :)

Have a slice of birthday cake and some milk.... :)

Happy cookies..... :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Gumball Machine Cookie Collection

Gumballs and gumball machines.......
A set of cookies I've been wanting to do for a long time.
There's something about candy-related cookies that are just plain F-U-N.
And the pastel colors are always a winner. :)

For a tutorial on the gumball machine cookies, click here.

Gumball Machine Cookies (Tutorial)

Oh how I love gumball machines. 
I use to own a real one that I had in our entry way.......
it held M&Ms in colors to match the season/holiday. :)

I saw this cute scrapbook sticker and knew this was the simplified version I wanted to try. :)

I didn't have a I squished a circle on top of a modified triangle. ;)

Outline and flood the base of the machine.

(I chose pastel colors because I was dying to use these pretty pastel pearls as the gumballs. :))

 After the base has dried a bit, outline and flood a white circle on top and
immediately drop the pearls into the wet glaze.

 Add some light gray glaze to emulate the mechanical parts.

If desired, you can add a "gumball" to the dispenser at the bottom.

Allow the cookies to dry overnight.
Mix up some silver pearl dust and almond extract
and paint it onto the mechanical parts of the machines.

These cookies make me happy. :)

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