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Back to School 2018 Decorated Cookie Collection

Woah! Where has the summer gone?

As usual, time is flying way faster than we can keep up with. And since school starts super early these days, it's time to go back to school soon. But cheer up.....there's cookies to celebrate! :)

[Click on the drop down links to go to corresponding YouTube tutorial videos of the featured cookies.]

Scrabble Tile Pieces Decorated Sugar Cookies YouTube video HERE

Pencil Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

School Desk Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Open Book Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Stapler Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Magnifying Glass Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Banana Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Locker Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Tablet of Paper Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Tablet of Paper Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE


Back-To-School 2014 Cookie Collection

I know it is not near as fun for students to think about Back-To-School time
as it is for cookie decorators to make cookies to celebrate the season.
But then, students don't get to make cool cookies like buses, lockers, apples, chalkboards, etc. :)

There's something really awesome about back-to-school colors too.
I love the primary red, blue, green, yellow.....they all look so great together.

I had a wonderful time creating some fun cookies for this theme.
I hope the back-to-school experience is a good transition for all. :)

The schoolhouse cookies were made with a new CookieCrazie Custom cutter from Creative Cookie.

Back-To-School 2014 Cookie Collection

Locker Cookies (Tutorial)

A perfect cookie to represent going back to cookies!

Cut and bake long rectangle cookies.
Here's a perfect cutter for a locker cookie

Start by spreading a small amount of grey glaze across the padlock area.
(see photo below)

After it has dried for a few minutes, outline and flood the locker
(minus the padlock area) in blue glaze.

Allow the cookie to dry for 1-1/2 to 2 hours.
Using the flat end of a boo-boo stick, press horizontal vent marks
into the top and bottom of the locker.
(see photo below)
Also, add a small padlock shape in gray glaze on top of the dried grey area.

Giving the padlock time to dry, add a gray line above it to represent the locker latch.

Dry the cookies overnight.

Paint the padlock with silver metallic paint or a mix of silver luster dust and vodka.
Allow it to dry for about 1 hour.
With either a black marker or black metallic paint, add the black dial and tick marks to padlock.

Lockers are ready for school to start. :)

Back-To-School 2014 Cookie Collection

2012 Back To School Collection (Part 2)

More back-to-school cookies.....

All packaged up and ready to go to some fabulous teachers... :)

2011 Back To School Collection

A few weeks ago, when I was asked by a mom if I'd make Back to School cookies for her sons, I jumped at the chance. I had never done them....and am always thrilled with the idea of doing cookies I've never done.  Plus, I wanted to come up with some unique BTS items I hadn't seen done in cookies.

Since the guys going back to school were entering middle and high school.....I knew I couldn't do crayons, glue, and elementary school stuff. So I wanted to make something that would fit the adolescent and teen years. I researched on google like crazy. And then I dove in. I was uncertain about several particular the school crossing sign, the bus, the stack of books and the backpack.....but they ended up being some of my favorites. :)

So here you have the entire collection in one photo.

I still have another baby shower collection from a few weeks ago to show I'll be sharing that next. It was nice to take a break from baby cookies for a while. :)

May you be especially blessed this week. Remember today is all you can be sure make it the best it can be.
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