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New House Closing Day Decorated Cookie Collection

My daughter and son-in-law bought their first home this spring. I was happy to oblige Allison’s request to make some special thank you cookies for their realtor and financial advisor.

What a fun way to commemorate this special time in their lives. I love how my cookie photos become a scrapbook of memories.

Happy closing day, Jake & Allison! Welcome home.


But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15




House For Sale/ Realtor Thank You Cookies


But I've got this collection of cookies from the last few months that I've not posted &
I'm hoping you want to see matter how random. :)

A friend's family sold their house (after it being on the market a LONG time)
and were so happy with their realtor's service that they wanted to thank them. 

Fun cookies to make.
And these ideas can be use for a New Neighbor theme too. 

I did a "Welcome to the Neighborhood" theme back in August found HERE and HERE.

New Neighbors

We have new neighbors behind us. They've been building their new house since March, and we've had nearly a front row view of the construction. Once the neighbors moved in.....I wanted to do something special to welcome them. I've been thinking of cookie ideas for months now.

Home Sweet Home hearts......

And some welcome mats.....

Lots more coming.....

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