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Fork, Knife & Spoon Cookies (Tutorial)

The table setting of the Mom's Breakfast in Bed collection included fork, knife, & spoon cookies.
These cute cutters came from The Cookie Cutter Company.
Go check out their awesome collection of cookie cutters. :)

The utensils are fairly simple to decorate.
Outline and flood them with silver 10-second glaze.
(Silver is achieved by adding a tiny amount of Americolor Super Black to the glaze.)

Allow the glaze to dry for at least 30 minutes before adding an additional outline to each one.

After approximately 2 hours of dry time, press in the center of the spoon to give it more dimension.
Use a cake tester to add tiny blade marks to the knife.

Dry overnight.
Combine silver luster dust and almond extract (or vodka) and paint over the surface of each utensil.

Dessert for Breakfast Cookie Collection

Pancake Cookies (Tutorial)

Now that I've unveiled the Dessert for Breakfast Cookie Collection.....
it's time to show you how I made many of the cookies in the set.

Let's start with pancakes.
The best part about them is that you only need round-shaped cookies.

Mix up both light and medium tan colored 10-second glaze.
Start by making a less-than-perfect circle with medium tan glaze
as seen by the cookie on the right (below).
Leave approximately 1/4" of the outer rim of the cookie bare.

After it has dried for 15 minutes, add a light tan glaze rim around the darker glaze.
(This is seen in the left and center cookies below.)
Try to make it look as random and less-than-perfect as a normal pancake.

Allow the cookies to dry for approximately two hours.
Press a texture mat like this one (sand) randomly on the glaze to add some wrinkle marks.
Also, add some small holes around the edges with a cake tester.
(If you study'll see the air bubble holes around the edge.)
Finally add a white glaze outline around the edge of the light tan glaze.

Allow the cookies to dry overnight.

Color some edible glaze molding clay a deep "syrup" brown color 
and then make a small amount of light "butter" yellow.
To color clay, knead color gel into it.
If the clay gets too soft from the gel, you can add powdered sugar to firm it up.

Roll out the brown clay into a thinner layer and cut around the edges to
form some "fingers" that will drape over the pancakes.

Cut out the yellow clay with a small fluted circle (or just a plain circle) to make a pat of butter.

Drape the brown clay over a stack of pancake cookies and 
paint copper sheen airbrush color over the "syrup" to make it shine.

Top it off with a pat of butter. :)

Dessert for Breakfast Cookie Collection

Serving Mom Breakfast in Bed......a COOKIE Breakfast

On Mom's special day......she needs some extra special treatment.

Breakfast in bed would definitely start the day out right.

And if it is done in cookies.......she gets to have DESSERT for breakfast. ;)

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