Raindrop Cookies Fallin' on My Head (ouch!) — CookieCrazie

Raindrop Cookies Fallin' on My Head (ouch!)

The Show Me theme for this month is

April Showers

How fun!
And believe it or not.....I didn't have a tear drop cutter.
So be looking for a tutorial on making
raindrops without a special cutter. :)

Do you feel a little drenched at this point? lol

Check out Bea of Cancun Cookies' rainy post:
Wellies & Umbrellas for a Cloudy Day

I thought it was rather cool......
that every time I went to take photos of 
this collection of cookies....
it was raining! :)

Here's proof.

I love it when it rains.

It cleans everything off and 
leaves such a refreshing scent.

And the soft pitter patter of rain is
like a warm fuzzy blanket to me.
(And I LOVE my warm fuzzy blankets!) 

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