April Showers — Blog — CookieCrazie

April Showers

Rainbow Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

April showers bring May flowers.......but they also bring rainbows.

I love how whenever we see a rainbow......we are captivated. They truly are a gift from God.

The only drawback to making rainbow cookies is that you have to mix up lots of colors of icing. Thankfully, I had many of these left over from my spring palette. 

It's not necessary to have a specific rainbow cookie cutter. Just use a plain oval cutter with a corresponding smaller oval to cut out the inside of the rainbow. (see photo below)

After the cookies are baked and cooled, start adding the colored lines of glaze from outside of the rainbow to the inside. Pipe about 3-4 lines of each color before moving to the next color. This can be done wet-on-wet.
(For a guide on what order to place the colors, google rainbows and you'll see a pattern.)


Rain Boot (Wellies) Cookies - Tutorial

Just in case some rain sneaks into May......

To make rain boot cookies you will need:
 Believe it or not....I used a cowboy boot cutter
to make these rain boots. :)

You have to cut off the top and
that thingy on the back (spur?).
Then just reshape it with your fingers
to look like a wellie.

 Outline and flood the "upper part" of the boot
leaving enough room for the sole and heel.

After drying for an hour,
outline the sole/heel & upper closure
part of the boot.
Notice I filled in the middle of the enclosure
right away to make it look "set in".

After 20-30 minutes,
flood the sole & enclosure areas.

Yeah for dry feet in the rain 
with style and fashion to boot! haha

All that Rain....May Flower Cookies....Finally :)

You didn't think I would have a huge
some May Flowers to brighten up the mood, 
did you?

Pretty little flowers......
all dressed up for May. :)

Favorite Photo......

I'm smiling now. 
I hope you are too. :)

Umbrella Cookie (Tutorial)

Don't wanna be all wet in the rain?

OK....Umbrella cookies aren't really going to help you there....
but they sure are cute. ;)

To make umbrella cookies you'll need:

Of the two umbrellas I made.....one is hand cut and
one is made from a fluted circle cutter and a rectangle cutter.

Just cut two pieces of the circle cookie out
(kind of like small pie pieces) leaving a handle. :)

Once your cookies are baked, 
outline and flood the handle with gray glaze.

After at least 30 minutes of dry time,
add the outline of your umbrella.
(Notice I printed out clipart and used it as reference.)

After 20-30 minutes dry time,
fill in alternating sections of top 
and inside layers of umbrella.

Allow to dry for at least 30 minutes.....
and then flood the remaining segments.
After it has dried for another 30 minutes, 
Outline the rim of the umbrella.....
the part that should be "protruding" out closest to you.

Once the cookies have dried for several hours or overnight,
mix together a drop of almond extract with some silver luster dust.
Paint "silver" onto the gray part of the handle.
on how to use silver luster dust.

April Showers Bring COOKIES!

With Show Me Your Cookie's theme being April Showers.....
I went all out.

I wanted to do a huge set of cookies on everything
I could think of related to RAIN!

And remember when I told you that 
it was raining every time I went to
photo these cookies?...

Guess what it was doing earlier when I started writing this post?

Yep.....it was RAINING! 

And then.....about 30 minutes ago......
it was a gully washer.

(My 18 year old had never heard of gully washer before.
Am I getting old or what?!)

I think it is awesome how real rain
has surrounded my rain-themed cookies. :)

I had loads and loads of fun making these cookies.
And then I was able to give them to 
some of my bestie cookie friends last weekend.
I'll show you how I boxed them up in a future post.

What until you see the tutorial
on how I made these wellies (rain boots)!

Here's the rain gear we need for a day like today.....

Tutorials and boxed sets coming soon...

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