rainbow — Blog — CookieCrazie


Finding Rainbows in the Rainstorms Decorated Cookie Collection

In these last many months of dealing with a health crisis, I’ve realized that decorating cookies can be yet another way for me to focus on the truth…..and convey the messages that I’m learning through this life journey. I suspect that my cookie collections will come to reflect more and more of what is going on in my heart. ❤️

Rainstorms are often depressing and difficult. The day is dark & gloomy….you get wet if you go outside….wind and lightning can cause destruction, etc. But the truth is…..we need the rain for many reasons. And one of them is to experience rainbows on the other side of the storm. :)



April Showers Decorated Cookie Collection

April Showers bring May Flowers......so now you know my agenda for this spring.

I love a rainy day.......it's a snuggly, read-a-book kind-of-day. And the sound of rain falling is so calming and soothing. It seems perfect to celebrate all those spring showers in a cookie set.


Rainbow Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

April showers bring May flowers.......but they also bring rainbows.

I love how whenever we see a rainbow......we are captivated. They truly are a gift from God.

The only drawback to making rainbow cookies is that you have to mix up lots of colors of icing. Thankfully, I had many of these left over from my spring palette. 

It's not necessary to have a specific rainbow cookie cutter. Just use a plain oval cutter with a corresponding smaller oval to cut out the inside of the rainbow. (see photo below)

After the cookies are baked and cooled, start adding the colored lines of glaze from outside of the rainbow to the inside. Pipe about 3-4 lines of each color before moving to the next color. This can be done wet-on-wet.
(For a guide on what order to place the colors, google rainbows and you'll see a pattern.)


Simple Button Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Every year when I go to Ukraine, I take tons of small cookies to share with everyone I encounter.
It is always fun to try to think of a simple design that will be easy to replicate 150-200 times, travel well without breakage, and yet bring a smile to each face.
This year I chose simple round cookies with either a button design or a smiley face.
Each of them ended up being very simple to make.....and I had a blast creating a whole rainbow of fun colors.

For the button cookies, I used this  Button Hole Cutter.
It made the whole process super simple and created an authentic looking button.

Outline and flood the round cookie.
Allow the cookie to dry for 3-4 hours.
Use a round cutter to create a circle cut just inside the original outline.
Then impress the middle of the cookie with the button holer.

Waa laa......a button cookie. :)

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