Americana Stitched Heart Cookie (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Americana Stitched Heart Cookie (Tutorial)

To make an Americana Stitched Heart Cookie
you will need:

 My daughter insists there is such a word as "wonky".
I just looked it up in
and sure enough, they say it is a word. (British slang)
OK, then. Chalk up a point for Allison. ;)

I di-gress........

I was going to tell you to "wonk-ify" a heart-shaped cookie. this is NOT a word!
The second definition of wonky is:
2. not in correct alignment; askew

Yes, that is what you need to do to your Americana heart cookie. heehee 

Then do this.....
Let the blue and red glaze dry several hours before adding the tan. 
Darker blue and red are notorious for bleeding.

Once all the glaze has dried overnight
add your stitches with a small round (#1 or #2) paint brush

I added a combo of white and black stitches for contrast.
I used a thinner black food color marker for the black stitches.

These boxes are going to be available from BRP Box Shop in a couple of weeks. I'll keep you updated!

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