Americana — Blog — CookieCrazie


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, July 3, 2015

CookieCrazie is teaching hands-on classes in the coming days!

CookieCrazie will be teaching Pre-CookieCon classes!
Click here for more details.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

It's time to celebrate the birth of our nation!
Sadly, I have to work all weekend.
But next weekend some of the family might be able to get together,
so it's something to look forward to.

I've been busy finishing up some fall cookies last weekend......
and then writing LOTS of blog posts all this week.
I'm far ahead now, so I have some extra breathing room for when I'll be out of town.

I wish my fellow Americans a wonderful weekend
celebrating our founding fathers and this great nation they established under God.

Happy Independence Day, America!


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

Remembering the lacy heart cookies from Allison's wedding last year
brings back lots of wonderful memories.... #throwback

May your Sunday be filled with sunshine and joy.....

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin', into the future......
This is the day the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Ps 118:24

Remembering last year's Americana collection.... #throwback, #tbt


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Independence Day 2015 Cookie Collection

Patriotic cookie themes are one of my favorites!
I especially love to add an Americana and homespun feel to them.

Antiqued Text Cookies (Tutorial)



My most favorite ice cream cone cookie to date. :)

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.
Psalm 33:12

Wood Plank American Flag Cookies (Tutorial)

Having seen so many perfectly joined cookie "puzzles" in recent days,
I was always discouraged because once I baked the dough pieces that were to fit together,
they always baked up "wonky" and never matched up well together.

But then I learned the secret.
You cut the pieces, bake them together,
and while the cookies are still hot out of the oven,
re-cut all the pieces.

I had a perfect opportunity to try out my new baking tip with this "wooden" Americana flag.

With it's homespun look, there was no need for precision.
So I just cut a huge random rectangle cookie.
From the rectangle, cut out a star corner and thin wooded planks that will represent the stripes.
(see photo below)

Once they've baked together, carefully re-cut all the pieces.
They will then fit together beautifully!

Outline and flood the corner square with blue glaze.
Outline and flood the wood blanks with alternating red or white stripes.
(see photo below)

After the blue square has dried for at least an hour, add a random white star over its top.

Dry the cookies overnight.

Make a mixture of chocolate brown, gold, and white gel colors to form a dirty tan color.
Using a fan brush, brush across all surfaces to give them a wooden look.

America, You're the Star (Cookie Collection)

The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave
What a privilege to be an American.
I'm so grateful.
To all Americans......
Happy Independence Day to you!

Thank you God for blessing our country.
Please have mercy on us.....and continue.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." Psalm 33:12

Americana Stitched Heart Cookie (Tutorial)

To make an Americana Stitched Heart Cookie
you will need:

 My daughter insists there is such a word as "wonky".
I just looked it up in
and sure enough, they say it is a word. (British slang)
OK, then. Chalk up a point for Allison. ;)

I di-gress........

I was going to tell you to "wonk-ify" a heart-shaped cookie. this is NOT a word!
The second definition of wonky is:
2. not in correct alignment; askew

Yes, that is what you need to do to your Americana heart cookie. heehee 

Then do this.....
Let the blue and red glaze dry several hours before adding the tan. 
Darker blue and red are notorious for bleeding.

Once all the glaze has dried overnight
add your stitches with a small round (#1 or #2) paint brush

I added a combo of white and black stitches for contrast.
I used a thinner black food color marker for the black stitches.

These boxes are going to be available from BRP Box Shop in a couple of weeks. I'll keep you updated!

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