CookieCrazie Chatter......Friday, June 22, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter......Friday, June 22, 2012

It's Friday again......where did the week go?!

It's been a really productive week for me.
I hope it has been for you too. :)


Ocala Cake Club, Inc.
September 29-30, 2012 
Courtyard by Marriott 3712 SW 38th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34474

Presenters include:
PH Delites, Melanie Judge  
Cookie artist "Linedancer", Carole Firstenberger
Lisa Menz  
Special Presentation from Photofrost 
Jane Koon   
I have the honor and privilege to present workshops at this event.
 Check out all the information HERE.

And don't forget, even though CookieCon is sold out,
you can still get on the waiting list.

There is a Facebook group specifically for CookieCon attendees.
If you have your CookieCon ticket and use FB
but aren't in the group yet,
contact me and I'll make sure you find the group.


CookieCrazie Fave Pics/Tutos of the Week


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

I've been doing the happy dance this week.
I got the three Bible study sessions completed for
the Ukraine women's retreat we'll do in July.
That's been weighing kind of heavy on me these last few weeks.
I knew I needed to get it done in time for my interpreter
to be able to look it over and prepare to translate it when I teach.
Things kept getting in the way.
But I spent two days focusing on it this week.......and it is DONE.
Hallelujah!! :)

We leave for Ukraine on July 19.....
that's just four weeks from yesterday.
It is rapidly approaching.
And now that I have the Bible study finished,
I've started getting super excited about the trip.

I've always said that the anticipation of something is the best part.
The actual event comes and goes so quickly that it's a big blur.
So you've got to savor the anticipation.


This week has been weird at our house.
My son and daughter that normally live at home were gone.
One went on vacation with friends.
The other was a counselor at a youth camp.
So most of the time this week, it was just Keith (ROTC college son) and me.
But then he left for a weekend Army drill this morning.

So guess what?
I had a whole day all by myself.
Pure quiet.
And it was PURE BLISS.
Best of all......I got to decorate cookies all day. HURRAY!

Can you tell I like to be by myself? :)
I think that comes from having five kids in 6 1/2 years
and homeschooling all of them through high school. lol

Another week.......flown by.
Gotta savor those memories and treasure them in our hearts...


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