CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 27, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 27, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

We're off to a family reunion with my in-laws in TN/MS this weekend.
Lots of driving......but it's fun to see everyone.
I'm taking some fall cookies to be enjoyed.
I lectured myself (in my head) again and again to make them simple.
I have a super hard time making simple cookies.
I always want to add a few more details. haha
But all in all......I think I did OK with the whole simple concept.
Next week I'm doing a fun project for an event at church the following weekend.
I may build a whole theme around one cookie.
Hee hee.....I don't have to keep it simple next week. ;)

Instagram photos for this week:

Haha..... The other side of the room during today's photo shoot.
I manage to reek havoc all over the house to get "just the right shots"
and then there's lots of aftermath clean-up. ;)

Oh....the fall "quilting" done this week. :)

Here's one of the fall quilt sets from last week.
I love all those warm colors!!!
OK....bring on the cool crisp weather and all the beauty of the season. :)

A favorite autumn set from last year..... :)

Here's a sideview of the little cuties going to our family reunion this weekend. :)


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