neck ties — Blog — CookieCrazie

neck ties

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 27, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

We're off to a family reunion with my in-laws in TN/MS this weekend.
Lots of driving......but it's fun to see everyone.
I'm taking some fall cookies to be enjoyed.
I lectured myself (in my head) again and again to make them simple.
I have a super hard time making simple cookies.
I always want to add a few more details. haha
But all in all......I think I did OK with the whole simple concept.
Next week I'm doing a fun project for an event at church the following weekend.
I may build a whole theme around one cookie.
Hee hee.....I don't have to keep it simple next week. ;)

Instagram photos for this week:

Haha..... The other side of the room during today's photo shoot.
I manage to reek havoc all over the house to get "just the right shots"
and then there's lots of aftermath clean-up. ;)

Oh....the fall "quilting" done this week. :)

Here's one of the fall quilt sets from last week.
I love all those warm colors!!!
OK....bring on the cool crisp weather and all the beauty of the season. :)

A favorite autumn set from last year..... :)

Here's a sideview of the little cuties going to our family reunion this weekend. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Baby Boy Little Man Cookie Collection

Mustaches and bow ties are so big right now for baby boy showers.
I kept seeing all the cute cookies.....and the cute cutters.
So I couldn't resist.
I went all out and made a whole collection of cookies for a baby boy shower. :)

Baby Boy Little Man Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 20, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

I've been "quilting" this week.
I don't sew.....I don't quilt......
but I LOVE to make quilt-related cookies.

There's nothing more beautiful than a handmade quilt. my book.....that means it MUST be made into a cookie. 

And buttons......I did buttons three different ways this week.
Photos will be fun. :)

This week the CookieCrazie Facebook page toppled over the 10,000 fan mark. gratitude is overflowing to all of those who follow CookieCrazie.
I am humbled to think that others are interested in my cookies and how I make them.

Thank you for being here and supporting my efforts. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Another fun cookie with SugarBelle's custom bus cutter. :)

Happy Monday everyone!
Here's some happy fall leaf cookies to brighten your day. :)

Hot Apple Cider.....with whipped cream and a cinnamon sprinkle. ;)

Buttons in various forms..... :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

NeckTie & BowTie Cookies (Tutorial)

Recently I did a "Little Man" Baby Boy Shower cookie collection.
There were several new cutters that I wanted to experiment with.

First I did mustache cookies.

To add to the fun "manly" collection, I added ties.

Here's some of my favorite cutters from this collection:

Bow Tie Cutters from Cheap Cookie Cutters (3 sizes)
5" Bow Tie Cutter from Cheap Cheep Cookie Cutters
5" Neck Tie Cookie Cutter from Cheap Cheep Cookie Cutters
Mini Neck Tie Cookie Cutter from Copper Gifts

Generally, if there is a part of the cookie that I want to stand out more,
I will pipe it last and try to add extra glaze to it for a more "puffy" look.
In the case of the bow ties and neck ties,
I saved the "knotted" part for last to give it more dimension.

Outline and flood the bottom part of the neck ties and the outer part of the bow ties.

Add patterns as desired.
All of the patterns below were done wet-on-wet (pipe details onto wet glaze).

Allow the ties to dry for a couple of hours (or just one hour in food dehydrator on low)
and then use a long thin tool like a cake tester to add some folds to the ties.

Outline and flood the knotted parts of the ties and include any patterns used on the knot.

Fairly simple......super cute. :)

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