Woodland Tree Trunk Heart Cookie (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Woodland Tree Trunk Heart Cookie (Tutorial)

It seems that everywhere you turn.......the rustic woodland theme abounds.

So in honor of Valentines Day and the woodland theme,
here's a fun tree trunk heart cookie tutorial.

You'll need a heart cookie and three shades of golden tan glaze.

Randomly outline the heart with the darkest tan glaze, making sure there's lots of ridges and points.
Immediately, follow up by adding a layer of the medium tan glaze right next to the darker outline.

Allow the glaze to dry for about 30 minutes.

Flood the interior with light tan (ivory) glaze.

Add additional pipings of the two darker colors of glaze on top of their original outlines.
The more texture, the better.
(see photo below)

Allow the cookie to dry for 2-3 hours.
Using a boo boo stick or toothpick, add some dents, lines, and pokes to the "bark edge".

In the middle of the heart, carve out a word, or initials, or a saying
as it might be done on a trunk stump.
Use the blunt end of the booboo stick or a cake tester or other fondant tool.

Using a graduated set of circle cutters,
press some rings into the trunk as seen below.
It is not necessary to use the entire circle with each imprint.
Instead just use portions (arcs) of the circle to make random rings.

Allow the cookie to dry overnight.

Using a paint brush and some Americolor Ivory color gel, 
paint some subtle darker rings into the trunk.

2015 Valentines Day Cookie Collection
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