CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 19, 2016 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 19, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review



Personal Side

It's been a very interesting week.

We arrived in Ukraine last Thursday and since then we've had time to

rest and regroup after the long travel.

Then we had lots of prep work to do for all our ministries.

On Monday, we started the ladies camp where 85+ women came together.

What a joy it was!

Almost half of the women that attended have never been to the camp before.

They were so excited and so thankful.

We celebrated our 5 year anniversary this year, and I was able to share a presentation with them about the history of how the camp got started, and the things we've accomplished each year.

Then we made brand new memories together this week.

The Bible study, the crafts, the practical classes, the spa......all was very well received.

What a blessing to treat these women to a wonderful "vacation". :)

Now we are back from camp and starting the home visits to the seniors.

We try to visit 10-18 homes a it is pretty grueling....but always so rewarding.

Next week at this time we will be flying home.

So much to do before we leave.

I love ministering in Ukraine, but also look forward to going home.

Thanks for sticking with the CookieCrazie blog. :)


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

Here's some pretty pink flowers to brighten your day....


And we are off to Ukraine.....

200 cookies securely packed away.

It's time to go love on the Ukrainians. ❤️

We're having another great day in Boryslav.

Today we took a van full of supplies to the church for the women's retreat.

Then we went to Boryslav's version of Sam's Club (bulk food)

to get groceries for 55 senior adults.

Now we're prepping for the next few days....

sermon for Dave.....women's Bible study prep for me.

Happy Sunday!

Pretties on Tuesday....

Last year's Old School Cookie Collection.....



Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... August 12, 2016

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