grain free — Blog — CookieCrazie

grain free

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 19, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review



Personal Side

It's been a very interesting week.

We arrived in Ukraine last Thursday and since then we've had time to

rest and regroup after the long travel.

Then we had lots of prep work to do for all our ministries.

On Monday, we started the ladies camp where 85+ women came together.

What a joy it was!

Almost half of the women that attended have never been to the camp before.

They were so excited and so thankful.

We celebrated our 5 year anniversary this year, and I was able to share a presentation with them about the history of how the camp got started, and the things we've accomplished each year.

Then we made brand new memories together this week.

The Bible study, the crafts, the practical classes, the spa......all was very well received.

What a blessing to treat these women to a wonderful "vacation". :)

Now we are back from camp and starting the home visits to the seniors.

We try to visit 10-18 homes a it is pretty grueling....but always so rewarding.

Next week at this time we will be flying home.

So much to do before we leave.

I love ministering in Ukraine, but also look forward to going home.

Thanks for sticking with the CookieCrazie blog. :)


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

Here's some pretty pink flowers to brighten your day....


And we are off to Ukraine.....

200 cookies securely packed away.

It's time to go love on the Ukrainians. ❤️

We're having another great day in Boryslav.

Today we took a van full of supplies to the church for the women's retreat.

Then we went to Boryslav's version of Sam's Club (bulk food)

to get groceries for 55 senior adults.

Now we're prepping for the next few days....

sermon for Dave.....women's Bible study prep for me.

Happy Sunday!

Pretties on Tuesday....

Last year's Old School Cookie Collection.....



Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... August 12, 2016

Veggie Tray Decorated Sugar Cookie Collection

This year I started an office manager position at a wellness chiropractic center.

I really believe in the things these folks are doing.....and wanted to develop

a low-carb cookie that I could share with them and their patients.

We had an open house and I brought the veggie tray. :)

Here's the simple grain-free (and gluten-free) cut-out sugar cookie recipe.

I used various circle cutters for most of the veggie cookies.

For the yellow bell pepper cookies, I used a long oval, and then moved the cutter 

over approximately 1/2" to create the long strips of pepper.

I used a large hibiscus flower cutter to get the tops of broccoli and cauliflower. :)

The carrots were made with a long oval with the bottom chopped off and rounded out.

And for the mushrooms I used a wider oval and cut the bottom sides to form stems.

Eating healthy never looked so good. ;)

Simple Grain-Free and Gluten Free Cut Out Sugar Cookies (Recipe)

Five years ago I made a huge change in my life and started eating a more whole food diet.

I cut out all processed foods and lowered my sugar intact considerably.

And not only did I go gluten free, but I went a step further and I no longer eat grains.

You can read my story here.

In 2012, I developed a grain-free cut-out sugar cookie recipe that I shared here on this blog.

Even though it was a huge deal to come up with such a recipe (and something I could eat!),

I wasn't entirely satisfied with the recipe.

Every time I made it, I knew I needed to go back to the drawing board and try again.

A few months ago, I did just that.

I developed a grain free cut-out sugar cookie that is much simpler and

doesn't require too many special ingredients.

This year I started an office manager position at a wellness chiropractic center.

I really believe in the things these folks are doing.....and wanted to develop

a grain-free cookie that I could share with them and their patients.

We had an open house and I brought the veggie tray. :)

These cookies were made with the grain free recipe I'm sharing here on this post.

Even though there is still sugar in the cookies, and my glaze is loaded with sugar,

I made a cookie that is a little more conducive to a healthier lifestyle.


Simple Grain-Free Cut-Out Sugar Cookies

3 cups blanched almond flour

1 cup arrowroot flour

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

½ cup evaporated cane juice sugar

1/4 cup butter

1 egg

Combine sugar, butter, and egg.

Add the remaining dry ingredients.

Mix until it forms a firm dough.

(Add a small amount of water if dough is too dry.)

Roll out dough and cut shapes as usual.

Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes or until the dough springs back when pressed.

Decorate cookies as usual.

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, November 16, 2012

CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

It's been a wonderfully productive week. I love those kind!
I got most of my Christmas decorations up in my house.
And since I did it quicker than I thought I would.....
I had time to decorate both Thanksgiving & Christmas cookies.

Our Thanksgiving plans are solidified.....
and now we are starting to make all our Christmas plans too.
Since my son's wedding is the week after Christmas,
it is necessary to make sure we can fit everything in. lol

Thanks for following my blog and being supportive of my work.
I appreciate you!

Instagram photos for this week:


It's looking like Christmas around here. My baking tree is officially up. :)

Poor lonely cookie tree. It's the only one not decorated.
I need to get crackin' on some Christmas cookies!!!

The best grain free cookie I've ever made.....chocolate chip..... YUM!!  
Recipe is here.

Such a nice view from my kitchen sink.
Clean up doesn't seem near as bad with a winter wonderland around me. :)

Now that's more like it. :)

Hahaha.... I've been decorating trees all week for my house
and now I've just created MORE to decorate in glaze. lol 

Ummm.....building a forest is a lot harder than I thought. : /

The tour-kees are coming together. :) 


Last week's chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter......Friday, June 29, 2012

It's been a blazin' week, hasn't it?
Shew......yesterday was a major scorcher.

And it's been a fantastic cookie week.
So many terrific cookies showin' up in cookie world.


Ocala Cake Club, Inc.
September 29-30, 2012 
Courtyard by Marriott 3712 SW 38th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34474

Presenters include:
PH Delites, Melanie Judge  
Cookie artist "Linedancer", Carole Firstenberger
Lisa Menz  
Special Presentation from Photofrost 
Jane Koon   
I have the honor and privilege to present workshops at this event.
 Check out all the information HERE.

And don't forget, even though CookieCon is sold out,
you can still get on the waiting list.

There is a Facebook group specifically for CookieCon attendees.
If you have your CookieCon ticket and use FB
but aren't in the group yet,
contact me and I'll make sure you find the group.



CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Another very productive week. How grateful I am.
And Ukraine is only three weeks away. Wowwwwww......
So much to do, so little time. lol

Several of you have asked how you could help for the Ukraine trip.
Interestingly enough, I heard this week that even though
we all have the money for our expenses to take the trip,
we are low on the amount we need for the ministries......
in particular for the cost of the women's retreat.

Since people are asking......I'll just throw this out there.
If you would like to help us with our ministries in Ukraine
for the July 19 - Aug 3 trip,
just click on the PayPal button on the right side bar for contributions.

Note: If you need a receipt for your donation for tax purposes, we'll have to go a different route.
Just email me at cookiecrazielady [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com and we'll try to work something out.

Thanks everyone for your continued support. 
I'm floored at how kind and generous everyone is.
It's so nice to be involved with an online community such as our cookie world. :)

Other than a very fun travel-themed cookie project this week,
things have been pretty calm in our household. 
Everyone's back in their normal routine.

Here's some fun Instagram pics from the week.....

My patriotic cookie display last weekend. :)

Allison dressed up for tourist night at VBS where she is a leader.
She said she moved from tourist to nerd, some how. haha
(I may regret putting this in a public place.
Understand.....this is my 18 year old daughter. heehee)

Made some yummy grain free vanilla cupcakes from Elana's Pantry.

 Perfecting my grain free granola recipe.
Almost there! I'll share it here when I get it just right.

I made glaze transfers! I'm so excited.
I didn't think it was possible to make transfers with glaze.
But I'll show you proof that it works.
I placed them on one of my projects this week. Yippee!

One of the finished products from my travel themed collection.

The weather yesterday here in Missouri. Woah!

 I hope your Fourth of July week is filled with 
wonderful celebration with your families 
and things to stay cool. ;)

Last week's chatter....

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