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Vegan & Allergen Free Sugar Cookie (Recipe) - Egg-Free, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Nut-Free

Knowing that the CookieCrazie glaze recipe is vegan and egg-free, I've been wanting to create a cookie that complimented those attributes. Recently, when I needed to make cookies for some boys that have a ton of allergies, it motivated me to develop a recipe to meet the need.

I'm so happy and excited to share this recipe with you. I know it will open a whole new world for all of those with allergies that prevent them from enjoying yummy decorated sugar cookies. To know that others will take this recipe and create cookies for those who've been deprived in the past is a WONDERFUL thought!

Thankfully, the ingredients in this recipe are not hard to get nor super expensive. They are all readily available at a grocery store that provides specialty items, but even if you don't have such a grocery store, they can all be bought online.

The other blessing about this recipe is that it only requires SEVEN ingredients. Those of you that have worked through special recipes to avoid allergens know that a short ingredient list is rare.

So here it is......please go bake up some of these to delight someone who needs an egg-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, and nut-free cookie. ❤️



Vegan & Allergen-Free Sugar Cookie (Recipe)

(egg-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, nut-free)

1 cup vegan "butter" (Earth Balance or Smart Balance) *
2 cups sugar
1 Tbsp vanilla
2 Tbsp arrowroot flour
1 cup applesauce (unsweetened)
1/2 tsp salt
6 cups Gluten-Free Flour Blend (Namaste is dairy & egg free)

Combine "butter"/oil with sugar.
Add and mix in vanilla, arrowroot, applesauce, and salt. 
Blend in flour blend until it forms a firm dough. (Add extra flour if sticky).
Roll and cut cookies as usual.
Bake at 325 degrees for approximately 20-22 minutes until mostly firm to touch.

*Note: Coconut oil can be used in place of vegan "butter",
but the recipe would no longer be nut-free.



Here's the Dough-EZ rolling system. This provided the perfect solution to preventing cross contamination in case of allergies. I normally use a Cookie Board to roll out my dough (here's the blog post on making consistent dough thickness). Since the CookieBoard is made of wood, I was concerned that cross contamination could be a factor.
Therefore I've designated this new Dough-EZ set be used exclusively for making this allergen-free recipe. 

If you're interested in the Dough-EZ product, click on this link to read more. If you decide to order, use the code "cookiecrazie" to receive a 10% discount. It's a win-win for everyone. :)

To receive a 10% discount on the Dough E-Z, enter the code "cookiecrazie" during checkout. (CookieCrazie will receive a small portion of the sale for being an affiliate of Dough E-Z. As always, all the proceeds will go to my Ukraine mission effort.)

This particular batch was made with coconut oil. The tops of these cookies are kind of splotchy and not as pretty as those made with vegan "butter". Plus, coconut oil will often add a coconut flavor to the recipe. That's not a problem for me since I love coconut, but it might be for someone else.


Let's get to baking for that special someone. :)


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 19, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review



Personal Side

It's been a very interesting week.

We arrived in Ukraine last Thursday and since then we've had time to

rest and regroup after the long travel.

Then we had lots of prep work to do for all our ministries.

On Monday, we started the ladies camp where 85+ women came together.

What a joy it was!

Almost half of the women that attended have never been to the camp before.

They were so excited and so thankful.

We celebrated our 5 year anniversary this year, and I was able to share a presentation with them about the history of how the camp got started, and the things we've accomplished each year.

Then we made brand new memories together this week.

The Bible study, the crafts, the practical classes, the spa......all was very well received.

What a blessing to treat these women to a wonderful "vacation". :)

Now we are back from camp and starting the home visits to the seniors.

We try to visit 10-18 homes a it is pretty grueling....but always so rewarding.

Next week at this time we will be flying home.

So much to do before we leave.

I love ministering in Ukraine, but also look forward to going home.

Thanks for sticking with the CookieCrazie blog. :)


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

Here's some pretty pink flowers to brighten your day....


And we are off to Ukraine.....

200 cookies securely packed away.

It's time to go love on the Ukrainians. ❤️

We're having another great day in Boryslav.

Today we took a van full of supplies to the church for the women's retreat.

Then we went to Boryslav's version of Sam's Club (bulk food)

to get groceries for 55 senior adults.

Now we're prepping for the next few days....

sermon for Dave.....women's Bible study prep for me.

Happy Sunday!

Pretties on Tuesday....

Last year's Old School Cookie Collection.....



Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... August 12, 2016

Veggie Tray Decorated Sugar Cookie Collection

This year I started an office manager position at a wellness chiropractic center.

I really believe in the things these folks are doing.....and wanted to develop

a low-carb cookie that I could share with them and their patients.

We had an open house and I brought the veggie tray. :)

Here's the simple grain-free (and gluten-free) cut-out sugar cookie recipe.

I used various circle cutters for most of the veggie cookies.

For the yellow bell pepper cookies, I used a long oval, and then moved the cutter 

over approximately 1/2" to create the long strips of pepper.

I used a large hibiscus flower cutter to get the tops of broccoli and cauliflower. :)

The carrots were made with a long oval with the bottom chopped off and rounded out.

And for the mushrooms I used a wider oval and cut the bottom sides to form stems.

Eating healthy never looked so good. ;)

Grain Free Sugar Cookie Recipe

As I shared my life changes from this last year,
I explained that I've been on a new journey of
eating very few refined processed carbohydrates 
and eating much more whole unprocessed foods.
I've been experimenting with grain free baking 
for several months....and have been wanting to come up 
with a grain free version of my sugar cookie recipe.

Before I share the recipe,
I think it would be good to answer some anticipated questions.

Is Grain Free the same as Gluten Free?
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. 
For a list of gluten-containing grains as well
as gluten-free grains, see this article from the Mayo Clinic.

Eating gluten free means to rid your diet of gluten-based foods.
A gluten free diet is not always grain free
since there are gluten-free grains like oats, corn, & rice.

Grain free eating involves eliminating all grains,
including those that are gluten free.
Thus a grain free diet is always gluten free.

Why eat a Grain Free diet?
For those with Celiac disease, 
a gluten free diet is essential to control
the disease's symptoms and prevent its complications.

But through lots of research and history,
it has been found that eating less carbohydrates....
in particular grains,
is very beneficial to one's health. 
shares some eye-opening information about
the genetically modified wheat/grains we now eat in our country
and how they are adversely affecting our health.

I am certainly not an expert on this,
but from my own experience.....
eliminating grains from my diet and
incorporating  whole foods including
fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, nuts, seeds,
and grain free "breads" has 
feeling better than I have in 30 years!

Is this Grain-Free Cookie low in fat and sugar,
making it viable for my low-fat, sugar-free diet?
No! This Grain Free Sugar Cookie recipe is
NOT low in fat and contains sugar.
It is not meant for someone who is on a low-fat/ sugar-free diet.

I created this recipe to fulfill a need I had in eating grain free.
I wanted to be able to make and decorate a sugar cookie
that I could consume on rare special occasions.

This cookie recipe is very high in fat....which I personally do not think
is a problem because we need healthy fats in our diets.
However, it is not something you should consume
on a regular basis (even if you are eating gluten/grain free),
since it does contain a considerable amount of fat and sugar.
Again, this type sweet treat should be consumed on a 
rare special occasion to satisfy a "sweet tooth".

Is this cookie similar to your
white refined wheat flour-based cookie recipe?
No, this cookie is very different from my
original cookie recipe I posted here on my blog.
The grain free version contains most of the same
ingredients as before, but the white refined wheat flour
is replaced by almond flour, coconut flour, 
arrowroot flour, and unflavored gelatin powder.
The appearance, texture, consistency, and taste are completely different.
The cookie is dense, chewy, nutty and robust
with a different "tenderness" than my regular recipe.
These cookies will provide a very different
eating experience from a normal grain-based cookie.

Will this cookie recipe cost the same to make
as a regular grain-based cookie? is much more expensive.
You have to use several unique ingredients for this recipe.
I am adding links to the unusual ingredients 
so you will know where I purchased them.


So.....let's get to the recipe. :)

 Cookie Crazie's Grain Free Sugar Cookies

1 stick butter
1/2 cup sugar *
1 egg *
1/4 cup sour cream
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1-1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon arrowroot powder
2 tablespoons coconut flour
1/2 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
4 cups almond meal**

Cream butter and sugar. Beat in egg and sour cream.
Blend in dry ingredients. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Using parchment paper above and below the dough,

roll dough to desired thickness. (photo below)
Freeze dough for at least 30 minutes. Cut into shapes. 
Place cookies on un-greased cookie sheet.
Bake approx 20 minutes (longer for crispier cookies).
This recipe yields approximately 24 small/medium cookies.

* I use as many organic products as I can find, including
organic evaporated cane juice sugar and organic cage free eggs.
**I purchase my almond meal locally from Trader Joe's for $3.99 per pound
(One pound bag = 4 cups). The least expensive I could find online 
was HERE at $7.58 per pound. 
***Check out the SHOP tab on this site for links to
many of these grain free specific ingredients.

Since I consider finding a wonderful grain free recipe
as a huge gift and blessing in my life,
I wrapped up these cookies with a big bow
to share this recipe gift with you. ♥

Favorite Sites for Grain Free Healthy Eating

And now.....I can have a cookie, decorate it, and eat it too! :)

Note: This blog post is intended for informational purposes and not to be used as medical advice.
It is not intended to be used as a substitute for a medical professional's advice.
Please consult a competent medical professional for all of your health needs.

Grain Free & Gluten Free Sugar Cookie Recipes

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