BBQ grills — Blog — CookieCrazie

BBQ grills

Let's Go On A Picnic Cookies

"Fire Up The Grill" Cookie (Tutorial)

Just in time for Father's Day. =)

To make a grill cookie you will need:

Sketch a grill on to the oval cookie with a food color marker.

Outline and flood the black top and bottom.

Allow to dry for a few hours before adding
the grill lining with gold.
Also make the handle in tan glaze.

Allow to dry for another hour and add the gray "coals",
vent circle and gray parts of the handle.
 After another hour or so......
add the grill lines.
I let it dry overnight
before I added the hot dogs.
Once they dried for a few hours, 
I added grill markers with a black food color marker.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads in our lives!

Summer Heat!

Summer is certainly not over, but I'll probably not do too many more summer cookies this season. My plate is full these next few weeks.....especially with baby showers. :)

So here's one final pic of summer cookies to celebrate the season.....AND the cooler temps forecast for the next week! :)

Stay as cool as you can......hopefully looking at ice cream cone cookies helps. ;)
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