cherry lattice pie — Blog — CookieCrazie

cherry lattice pie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 5, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Last weekend I got all my cookies decorated for my Ukraine trip.
I'm taking 240 cookies......CRAZIE, I know.
But they are small.....and I want to bring a smile to as many people as possible.
Speaking of smiles, half of the cookies were decorated as smiley faces. :)

This week I'm finalizing lots of things for the trip.
I'm getting the blog all loaded up while I'm gone.
Of course, there was the packaging and packing of all the cookies for the trip.
Regular packing is happening this weekend.
I had some shopping to do.
And of course, there's lots of things to do ahead in my absence here.
But I think I'm almost done.

This weekend I'll finish my packing since I have to work on Monday and Tuesday.
And then we fly out on Wednesday morning.

I'm hoping I'll have wifi enough to be able to update you on Instagram and FB,
but that remains to be seen.
Every year, we're never sure how much we'll have wifi.
Last year, we had to specifically go to a certain restaurant to ensure we had some online time.

The freakiest part of going away for 15-16 days is that when you return, it feels like it's a month later and you have SO MUCH catching up to do.
When I return, it will basically be September and time to get into the autumn season.
What a wonderful gift that will be!
This summer has been long and hot.

I hope to have an update to you the next few weekends (Fridays if possible), but we will see.
Until next time......thanks for all your support and love in my endeavors!


Instagram photos for this week:

With a cherry on top.... 🍒🍒🍒

It won't be long and it will be apple pickin' time.... 🍎🍏🍎🍏

Happy Sunday!

How can I not smile today? :)

An apple a day.... 🍎

Gender Reveal cookies from last year....
My daughter's gender reveal party is coming up when I return from Ukraine!


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Cherry Sweet Decorated Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, July 29, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review



Personal Side

We're moving into the most exciting time of the Ukraine trip......
those last couple of weeks of prep and packing before we leave.
The anticipation is definitely the best part.
The time has come so quickly, and thus, I know the time we travel and work will fly by too.
So today is the day to enjoy and be thankful.
And thankful I am!

I finished some really cute chic autumn cookies last weekend.
My husband took them all to work this morning for their "birthday" day.
haha......His co-workers get random themed cookies all the time.
They don't seem to complain too much.

This weekend I am decorating 200 small round cookies for the Ukraine trip.
I have two simple designs in mind.
Stay tuned for photos and tutorials. :)
I always try to pick a very simple "unbreakable" shape for the trip cookies.
I have to bubble wrap them all and take them in my suitcase,
so I want to make sure they arrive in good condition.
My past experience has been very hopefully this time will comply with the norm.

I am trying to wrap my mind around the cooler weather in Ukraine when we are there.
My wardrobe will have to change dramatically for 15 days. haha
Then I come back here to the blazing hot end of summer weather.
But the fall will be just around the corner.
Oh how I love the coming seasons!


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

Getting school supplies together.....

Happy Sunday!

Happy Tuesday!

Cherries Decorated Cookie Tutorial....

Have a frog-y good Thursday!

Lattice Cherry Pie Decorated Cookie Tutorial


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Lattice Cherry Pie Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Let's continue with the cherry theme by making a lattice cherry pie.

The lattice portion of the pie is formed with cookie dough in a similar fashion as a real pie crust.
Sugar cookie dough can be a bit finicky to work with, so it may take more than one try to
roll it out (don't roll it too thin), cut long strips and weave those strips together as shown below.
Make the total weaved dough area bigger than the round cutter you are using for your "pie".

Cut the weaved dough with the round cutter and using a pancake turner,
carefully transfer it to the cookie sheet for baking.

You can decorate the baked weaved dough all by itself to represent a cherry pie,
or you can create a crust and base for the cherry pie.
I did both so you could see the difference.
Below is a base cookie on the right.
To make the crust, cut the same shape again, but use a smaller round cutter to cut out the center
(see bottom right cookie).
Carefully lay the "crust" on top of the base cookie before baking (top left cookie).

Once baked, it's time to add the "cherry pie filling". :)

For the base pie cookie with crust, fill the center with red icing.
(see photo below)

Place the weaved crust over the top of the base cookie,
and then add icing in between all the weaves.

If you are only going to decorate the weaved dough (and not have a base cookie underneath),
place it on parchment paper before adding red icing in between all the weaves.
This will catch all the icing the falls underneath the cookie, 
and allow for easy removal of the dried cookies from their surface.

Dry the cookies overnight.

Brush dry caramel luster dust over the crust to given it a "golden brown" look.

2016 Summer Decorated Cookie Collection

2014 Thanksgiving Pie Cookie Collection

There is something about PIE that is unique and superior to other desserts.
And there are so many different kinds.
It's super fun to try to emulate all the different crusts, fillings, and pans into cookies.

Even though pie is served all year long.....
it is definitely a favorite during this season of Thanksgiving.

I hope this set warms your heart......
and lets you know how thankful my heart is as we celebrate together.


2014 Thanksgiving Cookie Collection
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