pumpkin pie — Blog — CookieCrazie

pumpkin pie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, Nov 27, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Wow......Thanksgiving Day has passed and the Christmas season is officially here!
Bring it on. LOVE this time of year.

We're celebrating Thanksgiving tonight since I had to work yesterday.
I've learned to adjust my holidays to accommodate a health care profession. ;)

Everything is ready for Christmas.....and I'm excited.
This last week I had fun trying out a bunch of new Christmas cutters.....
There's so much to choose from these days.
It can be very addicting! haha

I'm teaching a private class this next week.....
It will be fun to teach in the comfort of my own kitchen!
Plus we'll have all the Christmas decorations surrounding us.....it should be a blast.

There's a new social media (very similar to FB) that cookie decorators have migrated to......
so just in case you'd like to try it out, here's my TSU page.
If you need an invitation, use my short code "cookiecrazie".
Hope to see you there! 
Maybe we will all actually get to SEE each other's pages that we've liked. ;)
I'm off to prep for tonight's feast.....


Instagram photos for this week:

CookieCrazie's Christmas Tree Crazy-ness

Happy Friday!
#christmas #gingerbread #gingerbreadman

Changin' up the scenery a bit...... #flowercookies

May your Sunday be filled with smiles and sweetness. :)
#christmascookies #christmas #noel #itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas

I'm lovin' these new cutter shapes from That'sANiceCookieCutter! Thanks Ronee! ❤
#cookiecutters #christmas #snowman #primitvestar #decoratingcookies

Thanksgiving is coming!!!
#thanksgiving #pumpkin #pumpkinpie #autumn

Another nice cutter from That'sANiceCookieCutter!
Love this hot chocolate mug with room for marshmallows. :)
And check out that Rolkem silver dust from PartyTrainCakeSupplies.
#hotchocolate #winter #mug #marshmallows

These primitive Christmas cutters from That'sANiceCookieCutter are perfect shapes
for a crochet/knitted look. :)

Overflowing with gratitude today.....
I'm so thankful to God for the life He's given me. :)
I'm blessed beyond measure.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!
#thankful #thanksgiving #grateful #turkey #pumpkinpie


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Happy 2014 Thanksgiving!


It has been a fabulous autumn season.......such a perfect time of year.

And now as it draws to a close, I wanted to take time to reflect on all the blessings.

My heart is super grateful for all of you and your support of CookieCrazie.

Because of this blog and it's viewership, funds are raised to help some dear Ukrainian
brothers and sisters who are in need of some extra love and help at this moment in time.

With all my heart.....I thank you!

And I thank God for His incredible love and mercy to me......
and His gracious gift of allowing me to do this in His name. :)

But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and
uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.
2 Corinthians 2:14



2014 Thanksgiving Cookie Collection

Give Thanks Cookie Collection

2014 Thanksgiving Pie Cookie Collection

There is something about PIE that is unique and superior to other desserts.
And there are so many different kinds.
It's super fun to try to emulate all the different crusts, fillings, and pans into cookies.

Even though pie is served all year long.....
it is definitely a favorite during this season of Thanksgiving.

I hope this set warms your heart......
and lets you know how thankful my heart is as we celebrate together.


2014 Thanksgiving Cookie Collection

Thanksgiving Pie Slice Cookies (Tutorial)

These pie slices are fairly simple.....but so fun and seasonal. :)

Cut out pie wedges and add some random "crust ribbons" on the edge to bake on top.
(see photo below)

I love a lattice crust on a pie......so I decided to make a sugar cookie lattice crust.
Just like pie crust, cut stripes of dough and weave them together.
Cut the lattice to fit the top of the pie slice cookie.

Depending on what kind of pie you are making will determine glaze color.
I chose a cherry lattice pie slice and a pumpkin pie slice.

Outline and flood the entire pie slice cookie excluding the ribbon crust.

After the "cherry pie" glaze dries for about 5 minutes,
place the lattice crust on top.
(If it's done too soon, it may cause the glaze to fall over the sides.)

Add a "whipped cream" dollop on top of the pumpkin pie, if desired.
(see photo below)

Using chocolate brown, warm brown, and bright white color gels,
brush some "golden brown character" onto the pie crusts.

2014 Thanksgiving Cookie Collection
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