pilgrim hat — Blog — CookieCrazie

pilgrim hat

So Blessed Thanksgiving Decorated Cookie Collection

Recognizing our blessings......it's what Thanksgiving is all about.
I am truly blessed.....and today, I'm counting my blessings.

Psalm 146:2-6 sums it up well:

I will praise the Lord all my life;
    I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Do not put your trust in princes,
    in human beings, who cannot save.
When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
    on that very day their plans come to nothing.
Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
    whose hope is in the Lord their God.
He is the Maker of heaven and earth,
    the sea, and everything in them—
    he remains faithful forever.
I hope this special holiday season affords you time to reflect and dwell on the things for which you are most thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy 2014 Thanksgiving!


It has been a fabulous autumn season.......such a perfect time of year.

And now as it draws to a close, I wanted to take time to reflect on all the blessings.

My heart is super grateful for all of you and your support of CookieCrazie.

Because of this blog and it's viewership, funds are raised to help some dear Ukrainian
brothers and sisters who are in need of some extra love and help at this moment in time.

With all my heart.....I thank you!

And I thank God for His incredible love and mercy to me......
and His gracious gift of allowing me to do this in His name. :)

But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and
uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.
2 Corinthians 2:14



2014 Thanksgiving Cookie Collection

Give Thanks Cookie Collection

Thanksgiving Headress Cookies (Tutorial)

I meant to make these three hats/headdresses into full blown tutorials.
However, I was doing at least five projects at the same time when I made these.
Needless to say.....I did a poor job of photographing all the steps.
I'm hopeful that if you're interested in making any of these cookies,
you'll get the gist of it through the photos and instructions I share here.

The girl pilgrim hat is made by cutting dough with two ovals as shown below.
I think I made it more complex than it needed to be. : /
Using white glaze.....outline, flood, and then add lines onto the pilgrim hat
allowing time in between each step.

The Indian headdress was a bit tricky.
I didn't consider how heavy the feather would be.....
and that thin ring of cookie was not very strong to hold up the weight.

Once I decorated the feather and the ring.....and let them dry,
I "glued" a popsicle stick to the back of the feather and ring to give them stability.
I used a shelf rack behind it to hold it in place while it dried.
It worked! The headdress stayed together beautifully.

For the boy pilgrim hat, you'll need to make glaze transfers for the belt buckle
 the day before you decorate.
Just pipe it onto parchment paper and let it dry overnight.
Later, you can brush it with a gold luster dust/almond extract mixture.

Once the hat is assembled and dried overnight,
add some black ribbon and "glue" it together in the back.
I used a scrapbook embosser tool taped to my shelf rack to hold the ribbon in place until it dried.
Glue on your gold buckle glaze transfer.....and you're all done.

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