feather — Blog — CookieCrazie


Happy 2014 Thanksgiving!


It has been a fabulous autumn season.......such a perfect time of year.

And now as it draws to a close, I wanted to take time to reflect on all the blessings.

My heart is super grateful for all of you and your support of CookieCrazie.

Because of this blog and it's viewership, funds are raised to help some dear Ukrainian
brothers and sisters who are in need of some extra love and help at this moment in time.

With all my heart.....I thank you!

And I thank God for His incredible love and mercy to me......
and His gracious gift of allowing me to do this in His name. :)

But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and
uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.
2 Corinthians 2:14



2014 Thanksgiving Cookie Collection

Give Thanks Cookie Collection

2014 Thanksgiving Turkey Platter (Tutorial)

Oh, I know......this turkey platter is nothing original.
But it is fun to change it up and make it different each Thanksgiving.

Last year I went with bright autumn colors for the feathers.

This year, I studied photos of real turkeys and made some more authentic looking feathers.

Creative Cookier created a custom cutter set that works perfectly for this platter.


Cut and bake a dozen long feather cookies and a dozen short feather cookies.....
along with a body cookie and a neck/head cookie.

With an ivory 10-second glaze, make a "fringed" top to the feathers.
(see photo below)

After it dries for about 1 hour, use a brown glaze to outline/flood the remainder of the feather.

Wait about 30 minutes......and then make a straight brown line up the center of the feather.
(photo below shows both steps together)

Outline and flood both the body cookie and the head cookie with brown glaze.

Allow the feather cookies to dry for about 1 hour and
then use a cake tester to add diagonal lines along the edges.
(see photo below)

Once the body and head cookies have dried for at least 3 hours,
use a scale texture mat and a cake tester to give them a 3D "feathered" look.
Also, add a black sugar pearl for the eye.

Dry cookies overnight.

Add a gold beak and a red "gobbler" to the head cookie.

paint horizontal bands/stripes across the top of the feathers.

To assemble the platter, fan out the long feathers around the top  half of the plate.
Layer the short feathers over the bottom of the long feathers.
Place the body and then the head cookies at the base of the "turkey".

2014 Thanksgiving Cookie Collection

Shabby Chic Christmas Cookie Collection

This is a set of cookies I've wanted to do for a long time.
Even though I love the traditional Christmas colors......
it's fun to change it up and make cookies in non-traditional colors.


Happy Happy Christmas to you and yours!

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