give thanks — Blog — CookieCrazie

give thanks

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, Nov 27, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Wow......Thanksgiving Day has passed and the Christmas season is officially here!
Bring it on. LOVE this time of year.

We're celebrating Thanksgiving tonight since I had to work yesterday.
I've learned to adjust my holidays to accommodate a health care profession. ;)

Everything is ready for Christmas.....and I'm excited.
This last week I had fun trying out a bunch of new Christmas cutters.....
There's so much to choose from these days.
It can be very addicting! haha

I'm teaching a private class this next week.....
It will be fun to teach in the comfort of my own kitchen!
Plus we'll have all the Christmas decorations surrounding should be a blast.

There's a new social media (very similar to FB) that cookie decorators have migrated to......
so just in case you'd like to try it out, here's my TSU page.
If you need an invitation, use my short code "cookiecrazie".
Hope to see you there! 
Maybe we will all actually get to SEE each other's pages that we've liked. ;)
I'm off to prep for tonight's feast.....


Instagram photos for this week:

CookieCrazie's Christmas Tree Crazy-ness

Happy Friday!
#christmas #gingerbread #gingerbreadman

Changin' up the scenery a bit...... #flowercookies

May your Sunday be filled with smiles and sweetness. :)
#christmascookies #christmas #noel #itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas

I'm lovin' these new cutter shapes from That'sANiceCookieCutter! Thanks Ronee! ❤
#cookiecutters #christmas #snowman #primitvestar #decoratingcookies

Thanksgiving is coming!!!
#thanksgiving #pumpkin #pumpkinpie #autumn

Another nice cutter from That'sANiceCookieCutter!
Love this hot chocolate mug with room for marshmallows. :)
And check out that Rolkem silver dust from PartyTrainCakeSupplies.
#hotchocolate #winter #mug #marshmallows

These primitive Christmas cutters from That'sANiceCookieCutter are perfect shapes
for a crochet/knitted look. :)

Overflowing with gratitude today.....
I'm so thankful to God for the life He's given me. :)
I'm blessed beyond measure.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!
#thankful #thanksgiving #grateful #turkey #pumpkinpie


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Happy 2015 Thanksgiving!

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.
Psalm 107:8

I am giving thanks for so many things this season.

I hope that you and your family have time to stop and reflect on all things for which you're thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!





Thanksgiving 2015 Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, Nov 20, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

The Christmas decorations are all up......just in time 
for very rainy weather that kept me home most of the week.
What a treat to just "be" in the house and enjoy the decorations while I decorated gingerbread. :)
Soon I'll have gingerbread cookies hanging from my cookie Christmas tree,
and everything will be complete and "ready" for the holidays.

I have to work this weekend AND Thanksgiving Day, 
so it is super nice to have all of the prep work done ahead of time.

There's a new social media (very similar to FB) that cookie decorators have migrated to......
so just in case you'd like to try it out, here's my TSU page.
If you need an invitation, use my short code "cookiecrazie".
Hope to see you there! 
Maybe we will all actually get to SEE each other's pages that we've liked. ;)

One week to Thanksgiving.......Yeah!


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!
#noel #christmas #scrapbookcookies

It's a chilly 31 degrees here this Saturday morning......
mittens and a hat might already be appropriate.
#winter #christmas #brrr

THIS happened today......first gingerbread of season and first time using Target ginger cutters.
The house smells amazing and fun cookie decorating is in my future. Happy!
Soon I can hang cookies on my cookie Christmas tree.
#happyplace #christmas #gingerbread #gingerbreadman #itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas

I have this thing for lanterns right one is included in the #christmas collection. :)
#lantern #itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas

3....2....1....Decorating time!
#christmas #gingerbread #decoratingcookies #progelrubyredisawesome

Happy Sunday decorating #gingerbread.
#decoratingcookies #gingerbreadman #christmas

It's pouring rain outside today.....But I'm warm and toasty inside
enjoying all things Christmas and cookie decorating.
I feel very blessed!
#itsraining #christmas #imblessed #decoratingcookies

Happy Tuesday!
#christmas #christmastree #snowman #holly #itsthemostwonderfultimeoftheyear

Another happy day beating the rain with gingerbread decorating......
#christmas #snowman #gingerbread #happyplace

A good reminder from last year.....
#tbt #throwback #givethanks #thanksgiving


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, Nov 13, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

I haven't decorated ONE cookie this week. 
I strange is that?

I have dedicated this week to decorating for Christmas. 
I always try to decorate before Thanksgiving just so I can enjoy the decorations longer.
Plus, I put up a lot of Christmas it takes some time.
And I'm determined to space it out over several days so I don't dread and hate the process.

It's so fun to unwrap all the treasures from past Christmas's and ponder the memories.
And I love lighting the house every evening with a winter wonderland. 

Next week I'm going to make some gingerbread cookies to hang on my cookie tree.
What a joy to delight everyone with treats they can snatch off the tree when they'd like.



Instagram photos for this week:

Oh the things you will see in the coming season......
#shabbychic #pinkchristmas #christmas #ruffleslaceandribbon

It's been a very good week.
Oh how I love all the new tools.
#happyplace #pinkrocks #rufflesandlace

Happy Saturday!
#snowman #gingerbreadman #winter #christmas #winterscarf

I'm obsessed with making scrapbook-y cookie tags now that vellum is possible.
#scrapbookcookies #cookietags #christmas #scrapbooking #vellum

Ummmm..... Target had some cute cutters just in time for Christmas/Winter for only 99 cents ea.
Somehow they made their way to my house......
(Seriously though.....isn't that the cutest gingerbread boy & girl?!) :)
#thisiswhyitrytostayawayfromtarget #toomanycookiecutters
#helpicantstopbuyingcookiecutters #cookiecutters

Texture mats and edible clay are rockin' my Christmas cookie world..... :)
#christmas #christmascookies #stocking #winter #mitten

My favorite version of pie cookies to date.......
#tbt #throwback #pie #Thanksgivingpies #pumpkinpie #blueberrypie #cherrypie #lemonmeringuepie



Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Thanksgiving Burlap Text Cookies (Tutorial)

Since handwriting on cookies is not a favorite task of mine,
I always try to find ways to use text on cookies without having to actually pipe letters.

For these cookies, I found Thanksgiving-related shapes that were big enough to contain the
large block letter cutters within them.

Cut out each shape and after it is on the cookie sheet, cut out the letter in the middle of the cookie.
(see below)

Once the cookies are baked, outline and flood the letters with tan glaze.
Allow them to dry for at least four hours.

After the dry time, press the burlap silicone texture mat onto the letters.

Decorate the shaped cookies as desired.

Dry the cookies overnight.

Brush on dry caramel dust to the burlap letters to accentuate the texture.

Thanksgiving 2015 Cookie Collection

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