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CookieCon 2015 Book

CookieCon 2015 held lots of fun surprises.

One of them was the creation of this book about Cookie Connie entitled,
"If You Give a Cookie Decorator an Order".

Each of the twenty pages feature a scene full of cookies......created by a different cookie artist.

It is truly a one-of-a-kind book that brings a smile to the face.

The first "official reading" of the book was done at CookieCon 2015 on September 24, 2015.
After the opening ceremony, every participant was given a book.

I had the distinct privilege of designing a page in the book.
When I saw a chance to create a grocery store scene, I jumped at it. :)

The aisle cookies were huge.......around 10" tall at the longest point.

I joked about giving a thumb to Cookie she was thumb-less in the original photos.
But how in the world was she going to hold a grocery list without a thumb?! haha

I put so many ingredients in the grocery cart that you could hardly see the cart cookie itself.

Here's a photo with fewer ingredients so you can actually see a bit more of the cart.

There are so many wonderful pages in the book.

The details are FABULOUS!


I have some good news and some bad news.

First....the bad news. (I always like to get it over with first.)

This book was only made for those who attended CookieCon 2015. It will not be offered for sale. :(

BUT..... the good news....

I have an extra copy that I'm giving away on the CookieCrazie Instagram page!

To enter the CookieCon 2015 Book giveaway on Instagram...

Repost today's CookieCrazie Giveaway image including the hashtag #cookiecrazieccbook
(Don't forget the hashtag! That's my only way to track all participants.)

You must be following CookieCrazie's Instagram page.
Your account must be public for confirmation.
You may only enter one time.
Enter before Sunday, October 18, at midnight CST.
International participants are welcome. 
A winner will be chosen at random and announced on Monday, October 19 via Instagram.

The GIVEAWAY is now closed.

Thanks so much for being a part of my cookie world and supporting my ministry.

❤ ❤ ❤

Cherry Blossom Cookie Extravaganza

I couldn't just make a simple flower for 
my cherry blossom contribution to the 

I "needed" to make a whole set, ya know? ;)

I loved making the flowers.....
but I've always wanted to make a cherry blossom branch.

AND.....I LOVE gingham, so I wanted to do
something with gingham.

I did several sizes of blossoms.....
but other than the two 5 petal
cherry blossoms I did on circles,
the others are not correct
since they have 6 petals.
So please excuse my lack of
flower authenticity!

The branch was fun and relatively simple.

 I did the gingham the hard way on this cookie....
piping squares in three different colors.
This is before I started experimenting
on doing it with airbrush.
And then I saw a tutorial on using color spray. : /
So I guess you won't be seeing a tutorial 
from me on that subject.
But I definitely plan to do more gingham
since I love it so much. :)

Note: I originally put these cookies
on a bright green background.

EEEKKK! What was I thinking????
After a few days I came to my senses and
returned to a normal white background. :)

My precious friend, Bea of Cancun Cookies posted
a tutorial on how she did her
Sunflower Garden Plaque.
Check it out!

Easter Cookies.....coming up. :)

Sunny Spring Day..... in Cookies :)

There's just something about those
you know what I mean, 
don't ya?

Your spirits soar.....
and you just feel better. :)

Let's do it with cookies......

Big bright sun and fluffy clouds.....

The leaves are all green and rustling in the wind.
Can you hear the birds chirping?
See the pretty flowers everywhere.....

Oh what a beautiful spring day!!!

I hope your day is filled with beauty and joy......
even if the only way you can
obtain it is by looking
at cookies. =)


Springtime Faces Cookie Collection: Bunnies (Tutorial)

For our final springtime face cookie collection tutorial.....


To make the bunny faces, you will need:

This design is a little trickier than the other two.
You'll need to start by outlining a circle
on the bottom two-thirds of your cookie
using a round cookie cutter
and a light colored food color marker.
I used a yellow one.

Add your sketch of the floppy ears.

Notice I changed my mine and scribbled
all over my cookie.
That's OK....because you'll cover it up with icing. :)

Outline the circle and ears
with white icing and allow
it to dry for 20-30 minutes.

I flooded the ears first and let dry,
because I wanted the face to be puffier
and stand out more.
Who knows if my logic works. haha

When you flood the face,
be sure to drop the black sugar pearls for eyes right away.

Let it dry for an hour. Then add the pink ear parts and nose.
Later go back and outline the "tops" of the ears
with white so they look folded.

After drying overnight,
use your food color makers to add
some personality. :)

To see the other tutorials in this series:
Springtime Faces: Chick
Springtime Faces: Lambs

To see more bunny cookies I've done in the past.....
Happy Easter
Even More Easter :)

Last year's Spring Faces Tutorials:
Duck Face Tutorial

Oh the new things I have to show you.....
Can't wait!!!!

Springtime Faces Cookie Collection: Lambs (Tutorial)

Time to share another tutorial for Springtime Faces......

Today we'll make the precious lamb face.

To make the lamb cookies you'll need:

Outline and flood the fluted round cookie with white icing.

After it has dried for at least an hour, 

and flood the pink face. 
Be sure to add the
black sugar pearls (eyes) right away.

After the face has dried for at least 30 minutes,
the wooly crown to the lamb's head. :)

Several hours later (or overnight)
you can add any embellishments 
to the lamb's face you'd like.

 I love lambs!
So soft and sweet.....kind of girly.

To see the other tutorials in this series:
Springtime Faces: Chick

To see more lamb cookies I've done in the past.....

Easter is in two weeks. does this happen! ;)

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