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CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 13, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review



Personal Side

It has been an incredibly busy, but GOOD week.
No cookies yet.....but I'm getting ready to decorate some this weekend.

We had a wonderful Mothers Day weekend together as a family.
My husband celebrated his 60 birthday, my son celebrated his 26th birthday and new job,
my other son and DIL celebrated putting a contract on a house,
and there was other exciting things too. :)
We had such a good time together.....it was hard to say good-bye to all of them.

But, we are back into the routine and life is good.


Instagram photos for this week:

I hope your Friday is TEA-rific!

My attempt at Lisa's fun scrappy paper style (@solovetheday)
Adding my "vellum" technique gives it that layered look.
Fun times.....

Tea time for Mom...... Custom cutters here.

Happy Mothers Day!

Going places....

Happy Tuesday!


Away we go.....

Last year's graduation cookies for my son, Keith.

My favorites from the road trip cookie set.....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Woodland Evergreen Tree Cookies (Tutorial)

I'm loving the woodland theme that has become so popular.

In fact, I decorated a trio of Christmas trees in my house with the woodland theme. :)

Naturally, I wanted to try my hand at making my own set of winter woodland cookies.

Evergreen trees can be done MANY ways.
Here's my latest version with a painted trunk.....

The Winter Whimsical Tree cutters are part of the CookieCrazie Custom cutter collection.

Outline and flood layers of green branches vertically on the tree cookie as shown below.
(Ignore the tree on the right that was completely flooded in green.)

After the base layers have dried for at least 15 minutes,
start adding lines of green for needles on the branches.

Make at least 2-3 layers of needles on the branches....allowing dry time between layers.

Dry the cookies over night.

Using a mixture of Americolor Chocolate Brown, Gold, and Bright White,
paint a trunk on the bare cookie center as shown below.
(Since the painted area is not sticking out like the branches are, it creates an added 3D effect.)

Winter Woodland Cookie Collection

Homespun Christmas Cookie Collection

If you know me at all......
you know how much I love the country/homespun/primitive/quilt style.

Here's a whole set of cookies with a homespun Christmas flare. :)



I believe this is my favorite cookie of the 2013 Christmas season.
SugarBelle's adorable bus cutter is coming in handy often. :)

Homespun Christmas Cookie Collection
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