woodland evergreen tree cookie — Blog — CookieCrazie

woodland evergreen tree cookie

Frosty Winter Decorated Cookie Collection

I love winter! 
I know that's not a popular preference, but nevertheless, it's mine.
And snowmen top my favorites list.
So every year, I try to do at least one set of cookies featuring snowmen and all things winter.
Now that Christmas is past, I look forward to snowy days snuggled up with some hot chocolate and a good book/movie.
Happy Winter everyone!


Snowmen Cookies from SugarBelle Cutters (Tutorial)

When I first purchased some of SugarBelle's new cutters,
I immediately saw snowmen shapes galore.
So finally, I'm getting a chance to try them all out. :)

These snowmen could be done many different ways, so this is just my versions.
I'd love to see your variations, if you try these out.

All of these cutters are found in the ShapeShifters set, except for the scarecrow (found in an exclusive harvest set at Michaels) and the baby bottle (in the Special Delivery set). The cutters from L to R and Top to Bottom: tombstone/horseshoe (SS), Scarecrow, baby/flip flop (SS), skull/ballerina head (SS), baby bottle, snowman/baby rattle (SS).


Here's how I started all of these shapes......lots of white snow, and then fun hats and scarves.

I tried to add some texture to the accessories.

And then after they dried overnight, I added the faces with markers.
(Jet Black Rainbow Dust dual marker, and Food Doodler markers for color)


Happy snowmen......just the way I like them. :)


Woodland Evergreen Tree Cookies (Tutorial)

I'm loving the woodland theme that has become so popular.

In fact, I decorated a trio of Christmas trees in my house with the woodland theme. :)

Naturally, I wanted to try my hand at making my own set of winter woodland cookies.

Evergreen trees can be done MANY ways.
Here's my latest version with a painted trunk.....

The Winter Whimsical Tree cutters are part of the CookieCrazie Custom cutter collection.

Outline and flood layers of green branches vertically on the tree cookie as shown below.
(Ignore the tree on the right that was completely flooded in green.)

After the base layers have dried for at least 15 minutes,
start adding lines of green for needles on the branches.

Make at least 2-3 layers of needles on the branches....allowing dry time between layers.

Dry the cookies over night.

Using a mixture of Americolor Chocolate Brown, Gold, and Bright White,
paint a trunk on the bare cookie center as shown below.
(Since the painted area is not sticking out like the branches are, it creates an added 3D effect.)

Winter Woodland Cookie Collection
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