CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, November 28, 2014 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, November 28, 2014

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CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

As I write this, I'm preparing to go celebrate Thanksgiving Day with family today.

I've had the morning to reflect on life and all that I'm grateful for.
Even though there's been some pretty awful things that have happened around us in the last year.....
there is many more WONDERFUL things that have blessed us this year.

I am grateful for my God, my family, and so much more.

I pray that you all will feel as blessed as I do this day and throughout the year.

I'm honored that you would even take the time to look at and read my blog.
Thank you!

This next week I have the privilege of traveling out-of-town to make a cookie decorating video.
Wow! Who would have thought?!

And then....December will surely pass in a blur as my son graduates from college in Florida,
as we travel to see family for the holidays,
and as we celebrate the birth of Jesus here at home with my immediate family.
Thankfully, I've allowed enough time to get way ahead on the blog.....
so it will some how stay current even with my crazie schedule. ;)

Ready, comes December!


Instagram photos for this week:

Hot Chocolate, anyone? 😊
Cup of Love cookies from last winter.

I still remember having the flu last winter and staring at this tissue box often.
I couldn't help myself....
I had to make similar snowflake cookies once I was well again.

Hidden Card Trick Quilt-patterned cookies.....with a little Christmas flare.

Perfect afternoon =
gingerbread cookies + fun color palette of glaze + blaring Christmas music + rain falling outside. 😊

Happy Woodland Trees....

More Christmas Quilt Cookies.....

Getting my white-birch-tree-look on for this woodlands winter wonderland set…

Finally… The knitted look I was going for.
I'm sure that everyone will stay warmer while eating these. 

On this Thanksgiving Day, it's awesome to reflect on all that God has done and is doing in my life. I'm blessed beyond measure, for sure!
I'm so thankful that I'm privileged to spend a lot of my time decorating cookies
(which brings me great joy)
so that others can share in that joy in a multitude of ways.
Here's a fun winter scene created this week. 
A huge Thank You to all of you for following my work and supporting me. 


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