Quilted Christmas Tree Cookies (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Quilted Christmas Tree Cookies (Tutorial)

It is time for Christmas cookies!

We all anticipate this time of year for many months.
There's just something so wonderful about the spirit of Christmas.

This year I had the privilege of going to Europe and teaching other decorators
some of the CookieCrazie glaze icing techniques.
One of the projects was this cute little homespun quilted Christmas tree.
Now that I've taught the class, I thought I'd share a tutorial here too.

The cookie shape is created with this homespun Christmas tree cutter.

Using brown 10-second glaze, outline/flood the trunk of the quilted tree.
Pipe some black glaze lines while the trunk is still wet.

Give the trunk at least one hour to dry......and then add the middle section of the patchwork quilt.
Use a green glaze base, adding any pattern you'd like while it is still wet.

After at least 30 minutes dry time, add the top and bottom parts of the quilted tree.
Preferably, use a different shade of green for the base,
and again.....add any pattern you like while the glaze is still wet.

Allow the cookies to dry overnight.

make some red buttons to add as "ornaments" on the tree.

Here's the silicone molds used for the trees shown here:

If desired, pipe some stitches within the buttons.

Using a food color marker, add stitches around the edges of the tree.

2014 Christmas Cookie Collection
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