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Spring Basket 'N Burlap Decorated Cookie Collection

Burlap 'N Lace Bunny Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Oh how I love the combo of burlap and lace!
It has become quite popular recently.
It was super fun to add it to some spring-themed cookies. :)

Outline and flood the cookies leaving a bit of a space around the outer edge for the glaze to expand when the burlap texture mat is pressed into it.
(see photo below)

After the glaze has dried 4 hours, press a burlap texture mat into each glazed surface.
Using a cake tester, poke stitch holes around the edge of the "burlap".

Add stitches in between each hole with a 1.5 PME tip.

Dry cookies overnight.

Tint edible clay with some ivory color gel, and then load it into various lace molds.

Here's some of the molds I used on these cookies:
Freeze the clay for about 1 hour and carefully peel the "lace" out of the molds.
Place directly on cookies, trimming the edges to fit the cookie.

After the clay has dried overnight, brush caramel dust over the cookies to give it an antiqued look.

2016 Easter & Spring Decorated Cookie Collection

Autumn Quilt Square Cookies (Tutorial)

Quilts and Cookies are the perfect combination!
And autumn's beauty and shapes are the perfect time to pull them all together.

Cut out very large square cookies (85 mm below) and lay them side by side on the cookie sheet.
Using cutters that have similar sizes, cut shapes into the cookie squares.
(Shapes used here: leaf, pumpkin, acorn)

Bake all the shapes together as one big "quilt".
When they come out of the oven, use a knife to separate the square blocks.
(This ensures individual quilt blocks, but they fit perfectly together for display.)

Outline and flood all the shapes (inside the squares) with tan glaze.
Dry the cookies for 4 hours and then press the burlap texture mat into the partially-dried glaze.
(Another texture mat could be used, if desired.)

Brush the burlap shapes with caramel pearl dust.

Outline and flood the rest of each square with glaze in various autumn colors.
Add a wet-on-wet pattern if desired.
(see photo below)

If desired, dry glaze for 2 hours and then poke holes along edges of each square for stitch marks.
Pipe stitches between each hole.
(see photo below)

Dry overnight.

Randomly brush caramel pearl dust over each quilt block.

Autumn 2015 Cookie Collection

Quilted Christmas Tree Cookies (Tutorial)

It is time for Christmas cookies!

We all anticipate this time of year for many months.
There's just something so wonderful about the spirit of Christmas.

This year I had the privilege of going to Europe and teaching other decorators
some of the CookieCrazie glaze icing techniques.
One of the projects was this cute little homespun quilted Christmas tree.
Now that I've taught the class, I thought I'd share a tutorial here too.

The cookie shape is created with this homespun Christmas tree cutter.

Using brown 10-second glaze, outline/flood the trunk of the quilted tree.
Pipe some black glaze lines while the trunk is still wet.

Give the trunk at least one hour to dry......and then add the middle section of the patchwork quilt.
Use a green glaze base, adding any pattern you'd like while it is still wet.

After at least 30 minutes dry time, add the top and bottom parts of the quilted tree.
Preferably, use a different shade of green for the base,
and again.....add any pattern you like while the glaze is still wet.

Allow the cookies to dry overnight.

make some red buttons to add as "ornaments" on the tree.

Here's the silicone molds used for the trees shown here:

If desired, pipe some stitches within the buttons.

Using a food color marker, add stitches around the edges of the tree.

2014 Christmas Cookie Collection

Layered Heart Cookies (Tutorial)

Dimension........I love it as much as texture on cookies.

I wanted to make "puffy" hearts.
I tried to make several layers with icing.....and it didn't work so well.
So it was time to stack some cookies.

Everyone has heart cutters.
Crazie people like me have a MANY MANY heart cutters. haha
Try to find three similar shaped hearts in three different sizes.
(Notice I found three SETS of three heart cutters......
ummm, please ignore the fact that this is not my complete set of heart cutters. ;))

I rolled out the base cookie of each stack like normal......3/8" thick.
But for the two upper layers of each stack of cookies......
I rolled the dough out thinner so that the final outcome wouldn't be too thick.
I'm not sure I achieved my goal......since the cookies were STILL way too big.
I have a hard time rolling out dough very thin, but at least the cookies weren't 2" thick! haha

"Glue" the three cookies together with glaze.

Outline the bottom cookie with a #3 or #4 round tip
 and allow it to dry for 15+ min to make sure it becomes a sturdy wall.
(In the photo below, I outlined the upper two cookies too......but since I toppled over those outlines
when I flooded the layer over the is not necessary.)

For flooding, start with the top cookie.
Flood the surface and then carefully flood the edges so that the glaze flows over the sides.
Do the same with the middle cookie, make sure there's glaze all the way to the corners.
When you are flooding the bottom cookie, be careful to only add "just enough" glaze.
With all the overflow from the upper's easy to get too much glaze 
on the bottom one and cause overflow where you DON'T want it to go over the sides. :)

Allow the base coat to dry really well before adding any details.

There is a myriad of things you can do to embellish the hearts.
I'll leave that part up to you.....but I've given a few ideas on these three layered hearts.


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