Apple Pie Decorated Cookie (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Apple Pie Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Pie Cookies are another one of my favorite shapes to create.

This time we're pretending they are filled with apples. haha

Since sugar cookie dough is similar to pie crust dough, 

it makes sense to use it to emulate a realistic pie crust.

For these cookies, I hand cut the super wide pie, and then used a

hamburger cutter, and a squished cupcake cutter to make the other two.

 Roll out a long piece of dough and place it over the crust rim of the pie.

(see photos)

 Use various tools to make crust indentations at the top of the crust and around the rim.

Once the cookies are baked and cooled, outline and flood the bottom of the cookies

to create a pie pan (in your choice of colors).

(see photo below)

 Allow the cookies to dry for approximately one hour, and then use a cake tester to make

horizontal indentations similar to found in pie stoneware.

 (see photo below)

 Allow the cookies to dry overnight.

Using a paint brush, shade the crusts with first sunflower and then caramel dusts (in dry form).

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