apple pie — Blog — CookieCrazie

apple pie

Apple Harvest Decorated Cookie Collection

It’s that season again. I think fall and winter are definitely my most favorite seasons.

I can’t help but create lots of autumn cookies because I love the theme so much. There’s just something about apples that brings a smile…..I guess because it is in so many yummy desserts and provides such a marvelous autumn-y taste.

It’s been one year since my cancer diagnosis. It’s crazy to think of all the things that have happened in these last 12 months. I can remember not being able to imagine what I’d be doing in one year from my diagnosis.

And look at me now…..still doing what I love. I’m super grateful to God that I get to continue this cookie decorating journey. Things have definitely changed. I’m kind of an island since my diagnosis… longer a part of the general cookie community, but certainly continuing to spread a message with cookies. :)

Happy Harvest everyone!


Applicious Decorated Cookie Collection

Ahhhh harvest season! We're moving into the most wonderful time of the year. 

Apple harvest ushers me into fall and winter. Just thinking about baskets full of crisp yummy apples picked from trees heavy with their fruit.....and making those apples into pie and cider....gets me all excited for AUTUMN. 

Here's some fun cookies centered around applicious-ness. 


Apple Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Wheelbarrow Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Wheelbarrow Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Ladder Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Ladder Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Butter Decorated Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Butter Decorated Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Sack Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Sack Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Tree Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Tree Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Barrell Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Barrell Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Cider Jug Decorated Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Cider Jug Decorated Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Pie Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Pie Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Pie Slice Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Apple Pie Slice Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 16, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review



Personal Side

Things have settled down here and this week improved over last.

I was able to do cookies this last weekend, and that is always a good thing. :)

Big news....CookieCrazie is getting a complete makeover.

The site is coming together.....and hopefully very soon, you will see a whole new look.

I love that it is very visual......full of cookie photos.

That has been my desire for many months have a site where those who just wanted to look at the different cookie designs could come and take a peek without having to see lots of tutorials.

It will finally be a reality.

The blog will still be featured on the site, but there will be tons of photos all in the photo gallery

to just go look at all the different cookie collections.

I can't wait for you, my faithful readers, to see it!

Thank you for supporting my cause and making CookieCrazie what it is.

I'm blessed beyond measure!


Instagram photos for this week:

Just about time to go pick some apples.....

Happy Saturday!


Happy Tuesday!

Mixed media cookie set from last year....



Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... September 9, 2016

2016 Apple Pickin' Decorated Cookie Collection

We're heading into a wonderful time of the year......autumn.

And what better way to kick it off than with apple cookies. :)

Happy Harvest time to all of you!

Apple Branch Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)


Apple Pie Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Pie Cookies are another one of my favorite shapes to create.

This time we're pretending they are filled with apples. haha

Since sugar cookie dough is similar to pie crust dough, 

it makes sense to use it to emulate a realistic pie crust.

For these cookies, I hand cut the super wide pie, and then used a

hamburger cutter, and a squished cupcake cutter to make the other two.

 Roll out a long piece of dough and place it over the crust rim of the pie.

(see photos)

 Use various tools to make crust indentations at the top of the crust and around the rim.

Once the cookies are baked and cooled, outline and flood the bottom of the cookies

to create a pie pan (in your choice of colors).

(see photo below)

 Allow the cookies to dry for approximately one hour, and then use a cake tester to make

horizontal indentations similar to found in pie stoneware.

 (see photo below)

 Allow the cookies to dry overnight.

Using a paint brush, shade the crusts with first sunflower and then caramel dusts (in dry form).

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