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baby girl

Baby Girl Arrival Decorated Cookies

My second grandchild, first granddaughter, Emmaline Kate, arrived in May. It was such a special day to celebrate her, my daughter-in-law, and my son. Since I knew we would travel to be there for Emmy's appearance, I made cookies. I know.....shocker. haha

It's truly amazing how people respond to cookies. It is a universal "happy" for everyone. Even if they don't eat them, they love seeing personalized cookies for special events. And of course, I love making them. It really sets each occasion apart.

Here's our little sweetie, Emmy Kate and her daddy and mommy. And yes, Grammy got a photo in there too. I love that little girl like CRAZIE!

Her arrival cookies match her elephant themed shower cookies fairly well. Here's the blog post of the shower in her honor.

Welcome Emmaline Kate! We are so happy you are here!! 


Elephant Themed Baby Girl Shower Decorated Cookie Collection

I'd just like to say that this "being a GRAMMY" phenomenon is incredibly wonderful.
My second grandchild arrived late this spring.....HER name is Emmy Kate.  💗

I already LOVE to create cookies for others, but when it's for my grandchildren, it is the BEST.
Just knowing that some day Emmy will see the photos of these cookies and delight in the idea that she is so incredibly loved by her Grammy.......brings me pure joy.
Plus, I love to spoil those around me with cookies.
And baking/decorating is definitely my love language. :)

The  baby shower had an elephant creating cute elephants and lots of other baby cookies to match was super fun.

Welcome Emmaline Kate!
We think you're awesome...... 💗💗💗


Hello Baby Girl Decorated Cookie Collection

I love to make cookies for special occasions. My employers (husband & wife chiropractor team) just celebrated the arrival of their second baby girl. What a joy to surprise them with special cookies made specifically for Emerson's birth day.

This is what cookie decorating is all about.....



Adding Sparkle to Textured Cookies (Technique)

Textured cookie dough is an awesome way to add dimension to cookies with very little effort. Now you can even add a little color and/or some sparkle to the beautiful texture.

As shown in previous blog posts, you only have to roll a texture mat directly into the dough in order to mold a texture into it.
(see photo below)

Once the cookies are baked and cooled, you can add a little color by using "watered-down" color gel. For these particular cookies, I used my "water colors" made from The Painted Box's methods. Check out her YouTube video HERE
Add a drop or two of color to your palette and then brush it onto the textured cookie. Easy!

To add sparkle, brush on some dry SugarArt sterling pearl dust (Brilliant Sparkle used on these cookies).

Beautiful and yet so simple.....


Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection

It's been really delightful to make baby cookies galore.

The gender reveal idea is super fun because you get to consider
both feminine and masculine themes side-by-side.

I'm hoping in the next few years I'll be making these type cookies
for the arrival of my own grandchildren. :)







Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection
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