electric orange birthday cookie collection — Blog — CookieCrazie

electric orange birthday cookie collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 21, 2014

Cookie Con 2014 is this next week.
Stay tuned for a full report once I return. :)


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

Cookie Con 2014 is all we had hoped it to be.....and we've only experienced opening night so far!

I can't begin to tell you how much energy and passion is running through this hotel right now.

We just had an amazing opening by Arty McGoo and her husband, Mr. John.

Being with 400+ people from 44 States and 16 countries that love to decorate cookies.......

I'm exhausting from all the visiting, smiling, laughing, and just all-over enjoying being here.

It is very late and I need to get to bed.....but I just wanted to give you a tiny taste of what is happening in Salt Lake City.

Oh....and Friday afternoon, I am going to do a live interview at a TV station down the street.....
to share about cookie decorating and Cookie Con.
(Please say a pray for me to be calm and deliver the message with confidence.)

Next week I hope to give you a full report about the event.....

Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday! 

I hope your Saturday is bright, sunny, and cheerful......even if that's only in your heart.

First time doing crocus and tried a new way to do tulips.
It's been a fun week of decorating.
These are going to #cookiecon14.

Have a berry nice Monday!

It's CookieCon time! Here we go..... #cookiecon14


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Electric Orange Birthday Cookie Collection

Here's another birthday set using orange.

I have a faithful client who orders cookies for her orange-lovin' daughter each year.
I'm not usually an orange-kind-of-girl.......but I like these funky electric colors mixed together.

Cupcake Cutter.....my custom cutter is no longer available. :(



Electric Orange Birthday Cookie Collection

Birthday Party Horn Cookies (Tutorial)

It's hard to come up with unique shapes for birthdays.
It always feels like I'm doing the "same 'ole" shapes every time.

After seeing LilaLoa's cute party horns.....it gave me idea to try my own design.

I used a flip flop cutter for the shape.
My advice is to Google party horns and study the shapes to get exactly what you're looking for.
These are by NO means perfect, but they are a start towards making some cute horns. :)

After adding the base part of the horn and letting it dry for about 1 hour,
I added the white mouthpiece.

Outline the rolled portion of the horn with white glaze and a 1.5 PME tip. (see photo below)

Electric Orange Birthday Cookie Collection

Birthday Plaques

Plaque cookies are all the rage these days.
I love them too!

When making some birthday cookies recently, I tried adding mini cookies on top of plaque cookies.

The possibilities are limitless.
Colors, shapes, patterns on plaque, designs on minis.......so much to decide.

Once decorated.......just "glue" the minis onto the plaques with a dab of glaze.

Electric Orange Birthday Cookie Collection

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