gingerbread house — Blog — CookieCrazie

gingerbread house

Decorating Christmas Cookies Collection

As I thought through all the possibilities of shapes to do for Christmas… seemed like “decorating Christmas cookies” was a perfect theme.

That’s how I started decorating cookies. My dad made it an event every year when I was a little girl. My whole family did it together. And boy did we have fun…and make lots of memories!

Even though the Christmas season is jammed packed with so many extra activities…..make some time to decorate cookies with the ones you love. It will be worth every second.



Gingerbread 2017 Decorated Cookie Collection

Gingerbread cookies are the cutest.......but they also fill the house with the "smell of Christmas". Everytime I bake them, the nostalgia comes over me as I open that oven door and catch a waft of that spic-y cinnamon-y yumm-y smell that immediately reminds me of Christmas memories.

Here's the "official" gingerbread cookie set of the season, complete with several ginger people, a house, and lots of "merry-ness". ❤️

Gingerbread Boy & Girl Decorated Cookies YouTube video HERE   Gingerbread House Decorated Cookie YouTube Video HERE

Alphabet Cutters found HERE


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 12, 2014

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CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side've got to pack as many sights, smells, sounds, and 
tastes into each day as you can with the season being so short. :)

We're are in Florida this weekend to celebrate my son's graduation.
In addition, he is being commissioned as an Army officer.
It is pretty exciting and I'm super proud of my boy.

Once we return home......we are in full-on Christmas mode.....but not anything really stressful.
We'll be visiting family, preparing yummy foods, and then BEING together.
That's my favorite part......being together and enjoying each other.
I baked up a bunch of cookies this week hoping to decorate a few Christmas cookies for family.
I also made & froze a bunch of Valentines cookies that I hope to decorate right after Christmas. 
(Always prepping ahead.......hee hee)

Savor the is short.
Thank you God for each breath.


Instagram photos for this week:

Hot Chocolate Topper Cookies from last winter.

So now you know the life event coming up in our family next week.

Happy Saturday!

Have a JOY-ful Sunday!

Christmas season calls for lots of regular cookies too.

A favorite set from last year.....
Christmas Tree Cookie Platter.

Everyone got new stockings this year.
Since we added two new sons this was time to get new ones for everyone else too. :)
Now I just need a fireplace mantle to hang them on. haha

Last year's Homespun Christmas Cookie Collection.....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Gingerbread House (Tutorial)

Building a standing gingerbread house can be a bit daunting......
but The Creative Cookier's cute 3-piece whimsical gingerbread house set may just be a way to
have a gingerbread house without the stress. :)

After cutting and baking the three individual pieces,
they will eventually stack together to create a fun house to decorate.

There is a multitude of ways to dress up this cute house.
For my first try, I've gone the whimsical candy-loaded route. ;)

Outline & flood each piece separately, leaving room for stacking.....and also windows.
(see photo below)

Add the roof, a door, and a top to the chimney in a contrasting color. (see photo below)

Allow the base coat to dry for 3-4 hours, and then 
use texture mats (like the cobblestone mat) to add more dimension.
You can also add plank lines with a cake tester.
Decorate the roof as desired. 
(Notice I loaded mine up with some pretty pink sugar pearls.)

"Glue" the chimney and front door panel onto the main house frame with some randomly piped glaze.

Then it is time for details......the BEST part.
For my house, I added outlines to the window and door, a door knob, and lots of snowdrifts.
Painting on a bit of dry bronze luster dust gave the house an "aged" look.

2014 Christmas Cookie Collection

Gingerbread Cookie Recipe

One of my favorite things to do for the Christmas season is make some REAL gingerbread cookies.

It fills the house with the most amazing scents......and sends me straight into a Christmas mood.

Mmmm......I can almost remember the smells just by looking at this photo. :)

Many have asked for my gingerbread recipe.
Here it is........

Gingerbread Cut-Out Cookies

Recipe adapted from Glorious Treats recipe

1 cup butter
1 cup molasses
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon ground ginger
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg *
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves *
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper *
6 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

In large bowl, beat butter until smooth.
Mix in brown sugar, molasses, eggs and vanilla.
Add in baking powder and spices and mix well.
Finally, mix in flour until stiff dough is formed.
On lightly floured surface, roll dough to desired thickness (mine are 3/8" thick).
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Cut into desired shapes and placed on parchment- or Sil Pat-lined cookie sheet.
Bake for 11-15 minutes (depending on size of cookies).

Once cooled, decorate the cookies with glaze icing just as done with sugar cookies.

* Note: Adjust the spices to fit your tastes. We like it not too spicy, with less ground clove.

Homespun Christmas Cookie Collection
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