scribbled — Blog — CookieCrazie


REJOICE Christmas Decorated Cookie Collection

What a beautiful season it has been already.
I'm so thankful to God for this time of year.
It is always a reminder of how good He is and how much He has given us.

Surrounding ourselves with so many wonderful memories......
along with all the delightful tastes, smells, sights, and sounds of Christmas,
it is such a great time to reflect on our lives and relish these moments.

Thank you so much for visiting the blog regularly and sending such encouraging thoughtful messages.
It is pure pleasure to share with you and hear your excitement about this art.

I wish you a very very Merry Christmas!
May this week be filled with so much peace, love, and joy. ❤️

"But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. 
I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:10-12


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 23, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Whirlwind week......I've barely been able to catch my breath.

Thankfully, last weekend included cookie decorating.

That always gives me such joy and peace.

The new website is coming along......hopefully the unveiling will happen this next week.

It would help if I wasn't so busy with a million other things. ;)

But my web designer is awesome......and he's smoothing out all the rough edges.

Stay tuned for the big "reveal".

Going out of town this weekend and next.

It has really thrown a wrench in my "new normal".

Now that I'm working four days a week, I'm learning how to manage home life.

And it was all going well...... until some out-of-town events started coming.

That's OK......I'll figure it out.

The weather is supposed to get more fall-like next week.

I'm super excited about that!

This time of year is the BEST. :)


Instagram photos for this week:

Anticipating a "gobble" any time now.....

Pumpkins are so fun to decorate....

May your Sunday be filled with many blessings....

Happy Tuesday!

This is probably my favorite autumn cookie from last year.



Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... September 16, 2016

Autumn Scribbled Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Coloring books are big  and popular once again......even for grown-ups.

And it seems, scribbled style cookies are also gaining popularity.

The best part about this design is how simple they are to decorate.

Everything is done with wet-on-wet technique, so it only takes as long

as it takes for you to flood the cookie to be done with it.

This style has a very endearing look.....simple, quirky, and fun.

Pick shapes that are fairly recognizable on their own.

That way, if you're like me and lack a ton artistic ability,

most people will still know what the cookie is even after you've scribbled on it. :)

Flood the cookies with white glaze.

Immediately you can scribble on coordinating colors in all the right places.

(see photos below)

And once you've colored it in (it's OK to be sloppy.....yeah!), just outline it with a dark color.

Boom. Done.

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