wooden sign — Blog — CookieCrazie

wooden sign

Happy Camper Decorated Cookie Collection

Don’t worry….be happy. Here’s another another set of cookies with a message. :)

Confession: I hate camping! I went on exactly TWO camping trips when my kids were little (and this was probably the biggest mistake, to take babies and toddlers!)…..and hated every minute of it. I’m an inside girl who likes cleanliness and order.

So it’s a stretch for me to be happy when I’m camping. Which is exactly the point……sometimes we must do what we REALLY don’t want to do (i.e. battle cancer)…..and rather than worry, we can be happy. Each day is a gift, no matter if it is in a soggy tent with thunderstorms, or it is safe and warm (and CLEAN) in our own house.

I have certainly not mastered this message……thus the cookie collection to remind myself often.

Don’t worry…..be a HAPPY camper! ❤️



Lumberjack Cookie Cupcake Picks

My daughter decided to throw a lumberjack themed first birthday party for my first grandchild. While planning it, we decided that it would be fun to add smaller cookie toppers to the cupcakes. I had never done this before, but I was excited to try it out.

My inspiration for cupcake pick cookies came from seeing this sign cutter and thinking that I could make a wood grain sign and personalize it for Finn's birthday.

But then, I couldn't just stop there. (I rarely ever do....) I added some additional smaller cookies that would fit well as toppers too..... two different evergreen trees, an axe, and a small simplified lumberjack face.

Cupcakes and decorating with buttercream icing is not my forte, but I always give it my best shot with each family event. These were made a little easier by adding decorated cookies to the cupcake tops. Now that's something I can handle!

And they were a big hit. People loved getting BOTH a cupcake and a cookie when choosing a treat. 

And best of all......it was a grand and wonderful party for my sweet first born grandson, Finnegan Asher.



Lemonade 2015 Cookie Collection

I can't seem to get enough of the summer-y lemonade cookie theme.
I did the same theme in similar colors a few years ago.

It was time to revisit the fun shapes and colors.....
adding all the new techniques and mediums learned since then.


Lemonade 2015 Cookie Collection
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